How to Get Google Adsense Approval Quick & Easy

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I first applied to Google Adsense back in 2005 or 2006. And since that time, I have helped loads of others get Google Adsense approval!
Each time, my applications have been approved to start using the Google Adsense program, so I feel like I can offer some solid advice on how to apply for Google Adsense and get approved.
Now, if you have been following my blog, you know that I had a bit of a setback with my Google Adsense account, but I am now actively using Google Adsense as though nothing happened. The reality is that Google Adsense is the best contextual marketing program on the market with the most advertisers and the highest payouts.
I love the Adsense program and definitely recommend those involved with niche websites to at least get started with Adsense.
If you want to maximize your site earnings, we talk about how to get the biggest bang for your buck out of Adsense approval later on down the post.
There are other options available once you get over a certain amount of pageviews, but Adsense is a fantastic way to earn extra income, especially if you are just starting out.
Let's take a look at the steps you'll need to take to get that Google Adsense approval. As well as some other ad networks (Adsense alternatives) you might consider if you already get lots of traffic.
- Doesn't Everyone Get an Adsense Approval?
- How To Get Google Adsense Approval:
- How To Make More money Online with Google Adsense Approval
- FAQ:
- Where can I find Adsense policies?
- Do I have to have a gmail account?
- Where can I put ads on my blog post?
- What size ad units make the best Ad revenue on my site?
- Can I get approved on a “Blogger” website?
- Do I need to worry about navigation overlap on a pull down menu?
- Do I need to have a specific Alexa Rank?
- What email address should I use to apply?
- What can I expect to make in regards to Adsense Earnings?
- Do I have to use WordPress?
- Can I use other methods of monetization at the same time?
- Are there any Adsense Alternatives?
- Adsense Approval In Conclusion
Doesn't Everyone Get an Adsense Approval?
To be honest, it's shocking to hear how many people get declined from Google Adsense approval. I've received many emails from readers saying that their applications were declined. I've read complaints on forums or comments about the difficulty of getting approved with Google.
There are quite a few things that people miss when they apply, like privacy policies, contact pages, or just having a decent website in general.
While there is a lot of intentional vagueness about Google's Adsense program policies on the Adsense homepage to give them leeway in deciding who to approve for Google Adsense ads and who to reject, there are some solid steps you can take to make sure you don't run into problems.
I personally have never experienced going through a rejection, but I've also been very careful when I apply. Below you will find the process I have used to apply and get approved to Google Adsense on two different occasions.
How To Get Google Adsense Approval:
In a nutshell, there are 5 steps to applying and getting approved to the Adsense display ad network. You'll want to follow each of these steps for Adsense approval.
Before You Apply for Adsense
- Create a Google account that includes a gmail address
- Make sure you at least have a basic website that looks good, has a privacy page & contact information, and original content before you begin
Doing these two steps before applying for the Google Adsense program will save you a lot of headaches during the actual application process.
While it's understandable to rush to get that ad revenue coming in, don't. You are applying to Google's ad network. You need to show that as a website owner you add value to them.
How do you do this? With quality content.
Without quality content you will never get the search result rankings you want anyway. So take the time to do those two steps right before applying.
Once you have those two issues taken care of, then you can start the actual application process. The quick bullet point steps are right here, we'll dive into each step a little more a touch further down the page:
- Go to Google Adsense to start the application process
- Enter your email address, website URL, and all other requested information
- Sign into your Google account once redirected there
- Find your country and accept the conditions to apply
- Wait for a response from Google
Please note, these same tips also apply to getting a Blogger Adsense approval.
How To Apply For Google Adsense (and Get Approved)
This is the more in-depth guide to applying for Adsense. Once you know how to apply for Google Adsense you can work on optimizing your chances of getting approved.
Step One: Officially Apply to the Google Adsense Program
Step One of getting approved for Google Adsense is to apply. You can apply online to Google Adsense right here.
This will bring you up to a page that looks like this.
This is information you must provide in order to be considered. Just fill in that information with your website URL and your email address. You can choose whether or not you want to agree to receive Google's emails or not. This doesn't affect the decision, but it doesn't hurt to just check yes.
You know, just in case.
Step Two: Provide Google the Requested Information
Google when then direct you to a page where you fill in your information. It may look like this screenshot.
If the screen looks slightly different, don't worry. Google changes the Adsense application design once in a while, but they will ask for the same information.
You will want to provide Google with:
- Business name or individual name the account is under
- Contact name (if different)
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Email address
Google will verify your phone number, and physically mail you a pin number to confirm your mailing address. So double check that you fill this information out right!
If you don't verify this information once you're approved, you will lose Google Adsense account approval!
This online application itself only takes a few minutes to fill out.
Step Three: Get Temporarily Adsense Approval and Place Ads
Adsense approval usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours now. If you follow my steps above for creating a unique site that has never been involved with Google Adsense before, you should have no issues getting approved quickly.
At that point, you will receive an Adsense approval email from Google that explains the process. Essentially you are “temporarily” approved until you meet other verification steps.
This means you can start placing ads on your site and you will see the clicks and ad revenue coming into your account. Google is simply monitoring your activity to make sure you are not clicking your own ads or sending suspicious traffic.
As long as you leave your ads alone and don't do anything suspicious you should be fine.
Do NOT mess with ad placement, ad code, or use spammy methods to drive traffic during this time or you will sabotage your own application.
You can temporarily place Adsense ads on your site using the ad code that Google provides you in your ads dashboard.
In addition, you can also add the Google Adsense code to ANY of your other websites! You don't have to apply for each new site – you can start placing Adsense ad code on all of your sites once you have Adsense approval.
Once you have any approved account, you can use the same Adsense code on all your sites, but you should definitely create new ad units and color themes for each ad that you place on different sites.
You want to make sure your ads match the coloring of your site and your brand.
How To Get Google Adsense Verified
This is also the unofficial “Step 4” of the process: Pin verification, bank account, tax information, & phone number.
Before you get paid, you need to verify this important information with Google. This part of the process has a few steps of it's own.
First, Google will send you a PIN verification in the mail. This will come after a week to 10 days usually.
There is no rush, but at some point you will need to verify your bank account and submit your tax information.
The bank account MUST be in the same name that you applied with. So, if you applied with your business entity, the bank account must be for the business entity.
To get paid by ACH (the best way), you need to supply your bank account number and routing number. Then Google will do a test deposit of a few cents. You will then input this amount in your Google Adsense account to finish the verification. Then you can start getting paid monthly!
You will also need to supply your TIN number and complete the necessary tax documents (this is all handled online by Google and only takes a couple of minutes).
If you haven't previously verified your phone number, you will need to do so. Google will place a test call with an automated ad code to you. Input the code, and you are good to go!
Be Smart with Your Ads
Finally, be smart about how you handle your Adsense code. Only put it on sites that meet the Google Adsense guidelines.
Don't click your own ads and NEVER ask anyone else to ever click your own ads! This will get your account shut down.
Overall, stay in compliance with Google and enjoy the deposits coming to your account each month.
Google Adsense Approval Requirements
Google wants to know that you have a valuable resource! So, in order to increase your chances of Adsense approval, you need to create original, articulate, and useful content! You should never aim to just throw up some spammy content that's not useful. This will just irritate readers and your site won't rank as well in search engines.
We hear that the biggest ranking factor is inbound links. I think that the true biggest factor is a lot more simple: you have to solve someone's need. I call this search intent optimization. Fix the problem that people are searching for, and you'll never have any trouble ranking.
I can guarantee you that people have applied to Google Adsense with autoblogs, or copied articles from or other websites. Then they wonder why they didn't get Adsense approval.
You want to make sure your content is extremely valuable so that you can get an Adsense approval. But this is also important because search engines only rank “worthy” content. Your content will get the views it deserves.
If it's no good, don't expect a lot of Google love.
WordPress Tips Google's Adsense Team Will Love
If you are struggling to get approved and there isn't an obvious red flag from violating the Google Adsense program policy, then chances are you simply need to make some website improvements. Several small steps can make a huge difference for the Adsense team.
To the point where a website owner following these upcoming tips will almost never be declined by the AdSense team.
Tip 1: Have Enough Great Content
My advice is to have at least 10 well-written articles of 1000 words minimum (as long as its all quality, more is better) on your site before applying. There are some who suggest writing as many as 30 articles of 1000 or more words before applying.
I've always found 10 to be enough, although more probably increases your chances of getting accepted.
While more content is better than less, this only applies if you create quality content. Poor or mediocre content won't cut it so I suggest writing the best you got!
Tip 2: Have Crucial Pages Updated
In addition, it is really necessary nowadays to have three important pages. I would have a great “About Page,” “Contact” page, and a “Privacy Policy” page. The privacy policy needs to include this information supplied by Google here.
You can find a free privacy policy generator that I have used right here.
Your contact page doesn't need much, but an email address where you can reply is an important part.
Tip 3: Make Sure Your Site Theme Looks Great
In addition, you are more likely to get approved if you have a great looking theme or site. I recommend using a premium theme (if using WordPress) if possible.
If you are really bootstrapping it, you can still get away with using a free theme. However, You can still use a free theme, but do your best to find one that looks really good. It should be fully functional, well put together, and simply look good.
My top recommendation for a WordPress theme is GeneratePress. GeneratePress makes it extremely easy to change the look and feel of your site at any time. See my full GeneratePress Review here.
Tip 4: Get an Original Logo
Finally, to give your site an extra boost on the “look” score, I recommend having a logo designed. You can do it yourself, or you can hire someone on if you are cheap (like me). For $5 – $20 you can take a generic theme and make it look much nicer with a custom logo.
If you want a really top notch design check out this 99designs review for a relatively inexpensive option for professional level logos.
To really bring out the inner beauty in your site, you will need a theme and page builder. These can be super easy to use and pretty inexpensive. I used to love Thrive Themes, but now I'm a big fan of Elementor.
Elementor saves you the stress of fooling with your theme options and limited customization abilities. You can build beautiful pages and turn your visitors into more money.
Best of all? Elementor is free.
Click here to try out Elementor for free.
click here to get elementor for freeOverall, make sure that your site is fully developed with content, logo, layout changes BEFORE you submit the site to Google.
Important Tip!
Remember, you CANNOT apply to Google Adsense using the same website that has ever been used for Google Adsense before. This is something to think about if you are buying a website. On venues like Empire Flippers, they transfer the Google Adsense account to you. If you're on Flippa, you'll need to ensure that Adsense is included in the sale.
How To Make More money Online with Google Adsense Approval
Any niche site owner worth his or her salt knows that a few percentage points worth of higher conversion can equal thousands of dollars per month in extra income. There are some easy ways to boost your Google Adsense earnings to the max.
Manual tests and placement
The good old hands on method. There's no better way to learn what visitors click on other than trying new things. This is called a split test or an A/B test.
A split test is you placing an ad in one location, seeing how it performs, then moving it to a new location. Watch the metrics here and don't let it get away from you. Figure out which ad location is earning more, then make that your default.
Once you have a clear winner, you can split test again, find the winner, and repeat the process.
In the short term, you're income will drop a bit. But in the long-term you'll make far more money online.
But repeated split tests help you pick winner after winner after winner. These consecutive winners ensure that you bring home more and more money without additional traffic.
If you're split testing, you don't even need more visitors than normal because now you get more clicks from each visitor.
Try this with both ad placement (where it's located) and ad size (how big it is on the screen). It'll take a few months, but your income will have a permanent increase.
Automatic tests and placement
Split testing is worth it, but it can be a lot of work. On my niche sites, I use a free tool called Ezoic to manage my Google Adsense account.
Ezoic uses AI software and is always split testing. The good thing about AI is that it never takes a break, never asks for pay increase, and never wants a bigger share of my time. Ezoic increases my Google Adsense earnings.
Best of all, Ezoic doesn't cost anything. They fund themselves by taking a small bit of each click I get from Google, but they've always boosted my earnings. They have never done anything for me but increase my earnings and decrease how much I work on my site.
Consider optimizing your Google Adsense and earn more with Ezoic.
earn more and with ezoic hereFAQ:
I answer a lot of questions from my readers on a monthly basis on why they may not have been approved to use Google Adsense. I've put together a “frequently asked questions” section for you below to answer most questions about why you may not be getting approved.
Where can I find Adsense policies?
You can find the Google Adsense Policies for running their ads right here. Or look through your Gmail account.
Do I have to have a gmail account?
You need a Gmail account to apply. You don't need a Gmail address though. If you have a custom domain ([email protected]) then you can use this Gmail account as long as the custom domain email content is being hosted with a Gmail account on GSuite.
Where can I put ads on my blog post?
Anywhere! I would suggest you follow best practices for display ads. Generally speaking, the best placements come within content although many AdSense users now choose to simply let the automatic placement do its thing. For users of Ezoic or Mediavine their AI and testing automatically places ads and figures out what works best so you don't have to worry about it.
Generally speaking, display ads work best when they are front and center, mixed in with your content.
What size ad units make the best Ad revenue on my site?
This varies by what niche you are in. I've always had the best success with 250×300 for in-content, and 300×600 on the sidebars. Other ads have made me a little money, but nowhere near the amount of ad revenue I get from these two sizes. You should always test within your niche to see which ad units work best for you.
Can I get approved on a “Blogger” website?
Yes! You can apply using a site with a subdomain and get approved for Adsense on your blogger account. I would however caution against this.
It costs so little these days to setup a custom domain and customize your own website, that you should always consider moving away from “blogger” type platforms and host your website with a reputable hosting company.
All of my new sites are hosted on Bluehost. They are fast, easy to deal with, inexpensive, and the customer support is second to none.
Click here to start your own blog or niche site with Bluehost.
get fast, easy, cheap hosting with bluehostHere are step by step guidelines on how to start your own blog here.
Yes. You need to be sure that there are no parts of your website that would stretch over your ads and cause intentional clicks. Google looks at this as fraudulent clicks, which means that it could lead to Adsense publishers getting banned.
I've had that happen to me in the past for having my ad placement be too aggressive. Make sure you don't follow in my footsteps.
Do I need to have a specific Alexa Rank?
Nope. While Alexa is a great tool to check out the authority of your site, it's not something that you need to worry about when getting approved for Adsense.
What email address should I use to apply?
This doesn't really matter. You can always just apply for a new Gmail address to apply for Adsense approval. You'll login with that email address when running your ads and checking on your Adsense earnings.
What can I expect to make in regards to Adsense Earnings?
This is entirely niche dependent. Some niches pay more than others and you can earn more per click depending on your average CPC ( advertiser cost per click). It will also vary by traffic. Some people make a full-time income strictly from Adsense display ads.
Do I have to use WordPress?
Nope. Although I recommend building a WordPress site because it's easier to use and get up and running. You can really use any Content Management System you want, but WordPress makes Adsense integration seamless and easy.
Can I use other methods of monetization at the same time?
Absolutely! You'll just want to make sure you aren't providing a spammy user experience for your readers. If you have a product you are promoting or are using other means of earnings via affiliate programs like Amazon, there is no reason not to utilize both.
Are there any Adsense Alternatives?
There are a number of Adsense alternatives we list here. If you have steady traffic, I'd highly recommend you look into other ad networks or some type of media partner with Google to manage your ads. There are a number of these Adsense alternatives out there right now – specifically AdThrive (requires 100k pageviews), Mediavine (requires 50k page views) or Ezoic.
These companies work with Google and other advertising partners to sell ad space on your sites.
They usually pay out by RPM (per 1000 visits) and end up paying more on a monthly basis then Adsense. The downside is that you need traffic to apply.
While the entry requirements for each of these Adsense alternatives changes, some of them require you to be approved for AdSense prior to applying.
Adsense Approval In Conclusion
These are the exact steps that I have used many times to get myself, my business entities, or others approved to the Google Adsense account program. On the surface, they are fairly straightforward; but trust me, lots of people never get approved.
This could be for a number of reasons ranging from low quality content, to suspicious activity. But if you follow the 5 steps that I've outlined here, you should get approved without any issues.
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My top recommendations
Will I get approved if I use NicheWebsite theme. Doesnt this theme violate Adsense TOS ?
Sure you can get approved with the Niche Website Theme. The theme absolutely does NOT violate Adsense TOS. It was created for adsense…not sure why you would think its in violation. I would still recommend a unique logo though.
i live in india im 19 years old i want to put ads on my yotube videos but before that i need to create ad sense account .Please can you say me which bank account i need ,they also ask for card like visa etc,so can you please explain me about payment account and card info thanks
Whatever bank account is in the name on the Adsense account. (So your personal account if your adsense account is in your name)
I did all the stuff you show. gave them my bank account, my personal information, etc. I don’t have any articles on it because with 116 videos I didn’t think I needed it.
I didn’t even see the google ad sense link button come up in my manager until a week ago and I’ve been doing videos for 4 months. don’t know how to email google to find out an answer as to yea or nay much less how to know when they’re going to approve me.
site spelled my last name wrong. its senda
I’ve written a complete guide of how you can apply for Google adsense and how exactly your application will be approved.
Hi, this is a good idea to write a post about however, I think it’s a bit too general. I find myself in that category of people who have been rejected by Google AdSense (twice) and I don’t have any idea why. I am a beauty blogger, I think I have a cute site design, all the articles are original, I have a nice contact and about page, I state the sources for all materials I use for my posts, I don’t link to bad sites….and still they didn’t approve my application. And on top of that they don’t have any customer support to turn to for more help. I have already gave up on AdSense and put some affiliate links on my blog. But enough complaining. Cheers!
Had you already used or applied for adsense with that site? I’m not sure how I could get more specific. This is literally step by step what needs to be done to apply and get approved. Sorry you’ve had issues.
Thanks for replying Spencer, it was my first time that I applied for AdSense I think I’ll add a privacy policy page and try my luck again. Thanks anyways
Livia, as Spencer said – use site that was never used before. IF you keep re-applying with the same site, it’s possible that you always get rejected. you may consider creating a new website and once approved then you can place ads on both, including current rejected one.
another thing that may have caused rejection is the big carousel on your website. Google does not like (and it is even against their terms of service) placing pictures, aminations or any other “pointers” next to their ads. So they may have rejected you simply because they were afraid that you will place their ad right next to that big carousel (moving featured slider)
just my 2 cents…
Livia, I noticed you don’t have any mention of having the privacy policy on your site. I know plenty of people that got denied until this was in place. You can also try adding a contact page, which also help some people I know get approved. Good luck
Hey Dan, thanks for taking a look at my site, I’ll try to add a privacy policy page and make my contact page nicer. Hopefully it works!
On your contact page, “Weather” should be “Whether.”
You never know..somebody (Google?) who goes to the contact page first, will see that first and it may affect the rest of their experience.
Also, Google is very picky about the placing of other affiliate links. If anything smells like a bridge page they don’t like it. Also, in webmaster tools, do some statistics on the words on your site to see what Google thinks your site is about. You might be surprised. When I did this with one of my sites, I thought, “but that’s not what my site is about.” But then I remembered that the Google machine is not human. It can only judge your site by analyzing your words statistically.
When you do the bar graph of word versus frequency, what is your most common word or words? Is that what you want? If not, write some specific but human-friendly content to fix it.
I am biginner of Blogger , I also tired with google adsense too
It is amazing how long this process can take and the frustrating part with Google is that you are unable to speak with anyone or get any customer support!
I have a personal account and then applied for a second(gasps) account for my incorporation (as you have mentioned this is within their rules). It has been several months and I have re-applied and not heard back.
Thanks for these guidelines and simplifying this process for a lot of people!
Although I have not applied for Adsense, I do not plan to do so. After seeing so many folks get approved to just end up being banned without any prior notice, I do not want to end up falling victim to Google Adsense.
It seems to me that it would be too easy to get approved, and rely too heavily on Adsense as the primary source of income. Personally, it’s just too risky.
Great article Spencer!
All the best,
Wow. It has been my problem for a long time and I think I applied most of your tips here but still..
I discussed this problem of mine in my Flippa auction that I started 5 days ago (ending soon), if you don’t mind me Spencer posting a link here, I have 5 sites in this auction which are all in a sense ranking #1 in Google for great keywords but I wasn’t able really to capitalize on them because of the “absence of adsense” — I just want to know what I did wrong with these sites why I wasn’t accepted, if you or anyone can advise me, because I might as well not sell these sites if I can finally have an Adsense account. Here is the link: Please advise, if that’s okay with you.
The main site I used to apply for adsense, by the way, was
“Quick Tip! Remember, you CANNOT apply to Google Adsense using a site that has ever been used for Google Adsense before.”
Did not know that, interesting tip. How did you find that out, is it explicitly stated in their TOS, or by experience, word of mouth?
I did’nt know that too. What I thought was the option to reapply once your site is rejected is meant to let you improve your site (the same site) until it complies with Google Adsense’s quality guidelines
Hi Spencer! Great post! I read that you got banned from adsense and i felt bad, but now im reading that you have it back again. How did you do it? did you create a business entity? I feel really interested to know. Have a good day 😀
One critical item here, you have to have a disclaimer and privacy policy page(or pages) on your blog. Google will look for these, so have them before you apply. Inspite of taking care of al these instructions, google is unfair in issuing adsense accounts on geographical basis. I got a lot of information from here. thanks
Hi spencer,
here is more tips on getting approved by the Google adsense team.
Use a site that has a PR 3 + and your chances of getting approved will be high.
Add your Google Privacy , About Me and Contact page to the site .
Do not use copied and Spun content on the site either. Makes sure your contents are already indexed by Google before you apply.
You can also add a link to your Fb Fan page on the site. From personal experience , I know that Google Adsense will approve your application if the domain is old and has a high Pr
Great points Dori…thanks!
Do it through blogspot for super fast and lenient approval.
Any minimum number of visitors/page views per day for getting approved?
I will apply soon.
No. However, you should make sure your site is indexed in Google. But visitors is not a requirement.
Hi Friends
Please give feedback if i can use Adsense in site
I am not advertising my site but i actually want to know your precious advice.
Yes, your site looks like one that could get approved to adsense. However, its always up to Google to make the final decision.
Hello All Friends! i have just made a website for live tv channels and i had bought a software for live tv channels including 70 live tv channels and i applied for google adsense account and they did not approved it now i have made my own theme using artisteer and its look good have add quite few channels i m wondering if i can resubmit the request for google adsense will it get approved? please have a look it my site and tell me what i need to do more . waiting for experts advice Thank You.
I just started a blog 72-hours ago:
I applied for Google Adsense the day I started blogging and 24-hours later got an automated rejection e-mail. It doesn’t specify what criteria I don’t meet, nor does it state what I need to do to be accepted. I included the e-mail below. Any advice?
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program.
We have certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as for our
advertisers. We review all publishers, and we reserve the right to decline
any application. As we grow, we may find that we are able to expand our
program to more web publishers with a wider variety of web content.
Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding the
specific reasons for our decision. Thank you for your understanding.
The Google AdSense Team
Google can be a mysterious creature…
I have to apply everything you guys have said here. please about getting my site indexed how can i make that happen?
Hi, as you can see my website offers freebies gathered all along the web. With a proper attribution that links directly to the creators. But i wonder if i can apply for adsense with this kind of website? I don’t do articles which i think impossible to get adsense approval. Would you help me by answering this ignorant question of mine? would really appreciate it.
Nice post. I think this will really help me get my adsense approved.
Hi! I applied to google adsense got denied. I have two questions. Can I start a new blog to get approval for? Also can I have a tab for my home business? Or is that against Google rules? My blog is just starting so no traffic. So I think that is why I was denied. Selima
Hello Spencer,
This is a great post as I’m gonna use Adsense. But, I have some issue about it. My brother used to use Adsense, but he got banned. Therefore, could I apply for Adsense again with the same IP? Does Google must send the physical mail to my address? Because my country national post service is really bad, so I’ve always lost the mail which the post men won’t deliver to me.
If my site talking about diarrhea with some diarrhea photos, is this against adsense policy and result of disapproved my application?
lol, I don’t know about that one. Maybe the photos are? but I doubt the text is. my guess is that your application was denied for a different reason, but unfortunately, I don’t know for sure.
If my site is rank No. 2 after 4 months but i use blogger with my domain .Can i apply adsense ?thanks for sharing with me .
i have 25 articles on my website can i apply for adsense program ??
Grateful tips you’ve presented there, to getting approved for AdSense thanks for your support!
Pls tell me, i will get google adsense approval for this site
i will planing to apply only i got 1500+ unique Daily.
I dont’ like that google does not put some of this information in it’s program policies. I have tried twice now with two different blogs to get approved and never knew there was a privacy policy I needed. I am new to this and am learning a lot, but there is a lot of criteria not explained when starting out. I really have a niche, but not one that is quite obvious to google’s machine. And how do I find out if I am indexed through google? I haven’t been banned that I know of, but have applied once with this account. I really enjoy writing on this blog and hope to continue, but from what you are saying it may be best to start another one. And what keeps you from getting banned? If people are getting banned easily I would like to not make those mistakes.
Hi guys, I have a web site with funny picures I got rejected by Google adsense they said I had adult content 0_o I never had anything adult on my site any ideas ? Many thanks
Can someone tell me if this site will be accepted for adsense or not. Please reply fast
Can someone tell me if this site will be accepted for adsense or not.
I was having a adsense a/c but after I got 10+ dollars my a/c was disabled. After that I again apply for adsense from other email ID again it was accepted then disabled again then I read on a site that it will got accepted if I apply from other IP address I had also done this but again it was disabled after 4 days. Is there any procedure that I will get adsense ads for my website and if you don’t mind then please have a look at my website it is and tell me what should I have to do to get adsense ads for it. Till then I had left doing work on my website because there is not profit of doing work if I don’t get earning from this website. Reply soon waiting for your reply
You need a new adsense account with a DIFFERENT website. Once approve for a DIFFERENT website, then you can put ads back on this original site.
Then I have to work on that new website too for gaining the adsense ads after that I am able to get those ads on my old website
Is that right?
When you say “you cannot do adsense on a site you’ve never used adsense with before” what does that mean? Wouldn’t that mean you could never get adsense on a site? I’m a bit confused.
hey Buddy….
Thank’s for the nice info…
after reading this article now i’m bit confused and worried….
I’ve a website,i started it as a blog…i thought it would be good to make money with my own website…but now i think i can’t 🙁
Bcz i dont know much about that (TIN) thing….
and also i’ve no bank account 🙁
does that mean should i stop puttting effort to make a succesful website ?
You can apply to adsense as an individual, so you can get approved. Dont worry about it too much 🙂
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program.
We have certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as for our
advertisers. We review all publishers, and we reserve the right to decline
any application. As we grow, we may find that we are able to expand our
program to more web publishers with a wider variety of web content.
Can you please review my blog and suggest me if any thing wrong i have done or anything against the google in my blog?
hi im very new to this i have just made a joke website and i have now been rejected for the second time from google, they say its for insufficient content but i made sure id doubled the content i had had on my site before reapplying and i still got rejected do you know what google deem to be sufficient content i already have a contact page, a terms page, privacy policy and disclaimer page what has been mentioned in the comments is there anything you can see wrong with the site as to why they are not accepting me or is there another way i could try to get accepted with google (preferably a honest way lol)
I applied for adsense for my website and got my website is 6 months old, has a privacy policy page, tos, about us page and 400+ is approved on google news..can someone please tell me what am i missing here??also how long should i wait before applying the second time?
Very nice post
please help me out man , i have to blog ( have a review i got rejected from adsense and now i am not able to apply it from blogger account with that subdomain so i want to know how can i re-apply it again , some doubts running in my mind if i go for custom domain is there any possibility of getting approved
waiting for your reply ….
I got approved for the first blank ads but main approval was pending.
After few days i gor mail saying your website contain copyright contents :[
Help me which website should i use ?
Hi author nice post… I have aproblem, I have been applying for adsense for over a year, and my site had over 700 posts but I get disapproved, so I have (Deleted all my post and I started all over, but yet no approval still I get temporarily approved but get a warning later my site doesn’t comply with policies.. Please check my site to see what is wrong thanks in advance.
Its possible that all the traffic is coming from a country where there are not many ads – or for some other reason Google doesn’t want it in their program. I would perhaps try
I’ve been waiting now for months to get my site ‘reviewed’ by google. But as I’ve had no feed back I’m unsure if that is what is required. Any way of poking google to take a look? Being rejected is better then not knowing what is going on.
Cheers for the post.
They usually respond within a week. When you login to your Adsense account, you should get some sort of message…sounds odd.
Interesting article. I don’t have a privacy policy page on my blog. Is it really necessary for a blog site? Anyway, when they decline, Adsense, and say that you have insufficient content, just how much is the minimum requirement?
Oh, and I got my replies within 12 hours from Google, saying my account is declined.
I would have 10 or so good quality articles up.
Nice article. had me glued to my screen for a while but it was worth it.
Initially when i launched my site i got approved by Google adsense however something happened a few weeks after and ever since then it’s been declined.
The last reason i got “Issues:
– Site does not comply with Google policies”
‘d really appreciate any tip to get this fixed once and for all
HI Spencer,
I was wondering does the site i apply to adsense with needs to have traffic coming?
Cause i just built a site, with all the criteria you mentioned above and i’m not sure if i should start link building first and rank in google before i apply to adsense. What do you think? Did you have traffic coming on the sites you applied with when you got approved?
How much website traffic need to apply to Google Adsence ? is they traffic must come from search engine only ?
No traffic is needed.
what should be the information added in contact me page like my email etc.
my website getting an average of 10k visitors per day
can i apply for adsense right now is there any chance to get disapproved.
Hello Spencer,
I do have one question,
I want to start one site and the thing is the name of the domain that i want for the site is already taken. I am taking about a .com here.
If i will chose the same name but with different extension (.info, .net, .org and so on ) the site will still be ok for a google adsense account?
Thanks a lot !
Spencer do you think my site will get approved by google adsense
thank you
Not sure. There doesn’t seem to be much original content, just listings of products.
hi Spencer,
I m mohan bane from India. In your post you didn’t mention about the minimum age requirements for the website to apply for google adsense . I heard that people in India and china can only apply for adsense after 6 months. Is it necessary for a website to be 6 months and when did you apply for your adsense and got approved Please have a look at my website and comment on its look because i m very serious to get google adsense on by website i need your advise . I m geting about 400+ unique visitors per day it that sufficient of applying for google adsense . and sory for lengthy post your comment means a lot for me .. thank you
wow awesome post spencer, i now know why you didnt reply my long message.. its already here on how to get an adsense account the right way. there are alot of jagons teaching out there.. but this you method is real…
I just created a Blog today.
Can I apply for Google Adsense right away ?
I would wait until its indexed in Google at least.
Hi Spencer,
I had my google adsense application rejected: Site does not comply with Google policies
Could u review my site & provide some advice? Thanks.
Same here, I tried for 3 different websites for adsense application and all being rejected with same reason. I feel tired.
thanks for your nice post.i learned there more then google support center.thanks again…
Hi Spencer,
I really would appreciate if you just visited my site for first look you will realize its just a normal site about cars and how to rent a car for holiday.Google Ad-sense rejected me and said i have adult content !!
i would really be thankful if you offered any help. i have been trying to apply again and again for weeks now . i don’t what wrong with my site, it all about renting cars n offers , prices and conditions how to rent a car.
thanks you in advance
I’ve applied more than 10 times and fail all .maybe my domain only 9 month age .Can anyone plz tell me why am i ? thanks so much .
I have a blog I started in April 2013. People say blogs created in Asia should be at least 6 mos. old before applying Adsense. I do not think it’s true. I am from the Philippines with a blog containing about 14 posts. I applied to Adsense on June 12 2013 ( 2 days ago )…Surprisingly, my account is now under review and the cool thing is I have accessed the Adsense interface and they let me create ads and use them on my site. However, it’s not final yet I am still waiting for the final approval. I have not gotten any rejection notice from them.
The author on this blog is correct. You should have a privacy policy, a disclaimer, a sitemap, your own domain name and a premium theme at least. You should be fine if you follow his advice…My blog I started in April 2013, was submitted to Adsense last June 12 and got reviewed. Now, I have access to Adsense.
The Google Privacy policy. The link you provided is what I need to put on my site? I’m just making sure I understand correctly. My Privacy Policy. It contains links so I shouldn’t not copy and paste, correct? I’m a new guy, so thanks for the info. I have learned a lot from this site, so thank you. Mike L
Very good article! This explains the process for the AdSense Program perfectly, I just recently submitted my site which is only about a month old,, I received the blank ads after 24 hours or so and within a week I was approved! My site does not generate too much traffic yet but I can say for sure that having the privacy policy, about page and contact is something that helps your chances. My question is, does anyone know if having AdSense helps with generating traffic?
Hi Jennifer,
Could you share how many posts you had before you applied for AdSense?
Thank you.
Investor Monkey
Thanks for great blog.
This might have been covered somewhere ells but I just haven’t found the answer
Can you have say both Google adsense and the Amazon affiliate ads on the same page?
I have been waiting for my application to be completely reviewed.Thanks for the info,it will help newbies like us to get application approve faster.
P.S:Google is being strict these days on content publishers from ASIAN countries
Brother this is very helpful to me.1 week ago in june,2013 I designed this websites.And I
wanted to have google add from addsense .Now I understant if I make application for my websites I will be penalized.
Oh,I have a question the above domain is a free domain.But I think this websites will be very useful in
my region.Will google acccept me after 6 months though it is not a pure domain . . . .
Hi Spencer,
I would say that what you had posted was great!
Just started blogging on blogspot and I had applied for Google AdSense on June 20th and till now, there is this red banner which says that my content is still under review.
Had tried reading other people’s “hint” and most of theirs have very similar points to what you had pointed out. Apart from the “Contact” page.
My website had lack the “Contact” page and I have just added it it.
Would be glad if you could help me by visiting my website and give me some pointers on improving it to reduce the chance of getting my application rejected.
Also, how long usually does Google takes to approve the application?
Thank you.
Investor Monkey
Hi Spencer, can u please review my site, is it suitable for adsense or not , i have not applied yet for adsense also wanted to complete it till October as my domain is just 3 month old ………..thanks in advance …
How are you? My blogspot have more than 30 articles and most of them have more than 250 word to 700words, But the Google Adsense still email to me that it is insufficient content., what I do with that? I just improved my writing or something else?
Could you help? Thanks!
hi spencer, just want to say thanks for this post, it really helped me! i also listened to the first podcast you did on itunes and your story was extremely interesting, you are very articulate and explained everything so well. i really enjoyed it! inpsiring stuff, thanks :))
Hi Spencer,
From reading some of these replies and from your article’s “tone”, I must ask- Is it really that difficult to get approved?
My circumstances are different of course, but for me, it was one of the easiest things.
I registered my first site a few weeks ago and due to my naivety, I suppose, I went ahead and applied for an Adsense account while I had a freshly installed TwentyTwelve theme with only a “Privacy Policy” page- apart from the homepage(which still had the “Mr. WordPress” comment on it). They replied within 30 minutes and asked me to add the adsense code and within 4 hours I got accepted. As I said- a freshly installed theme(a few minutes old) and only a “Privacy Policy”, with no title- except the name of my site and the default -“Just another WordPress Site”- title below my sitename.
I guess I was extremely lucky 🙂
Perhaps the person who reviewed my application, just didn’t bother(due to this, I believe you need to keep on applying until you hit a cool dude somewhere in google).
Another thing- I got indexed within 2 days after adding my content and one article reached the 2nd page within 3/4 days. So far I’ve had a breeze of niche melarkey, but maybe it’s because I also just “breezed through” this whole thing. There’s a lot of things that I’ve done half-arsed, but I’ll still get to that, yet I’ve already earned about ~$90.00 from that site(Adsense + Affiliation) and it’s been basically a month since I decided to take “the big leap”.
Thanks again for all the valuable information you’re sharing with us all! You gave me belief!
Dear Spencer Haws, it is very nice article i have a website My website is 6 month old. i have 300 page views daily. can i apply for adsense . thanks for your post.
i got adsense approved from this trick
I Am Approved From Adsense Using This helping Website
There Is A Post How To get Approve From Adsense And This Post Help Me And I Am Approved
How nice.
Fantastic beat ! I would like to apprentice while you amend your website, how can i
subscribe for a blog website? The account helped me a acceptable deal.
I had been tiny bit acquainted of this your broadcast offered bright clear
Sir i will just take that step as u instruction to see if i can get an approved account
great post!
This article has clarified all the questi0ns i have. I am actually planning to submit an application for my own account. Now I know exactly what I need to do before that.
Hi Spencer.This is a very nice posting.Tank you very much.I will apply this knowledge in my blog spot sites.
Sir , i have a question that is related to Google ad-sense. some few days ago i placed google ad unit in my blog and this ad unit is not mine .means one of my friends offer me to use ad unit of him to my blog. now i want to apply for google ad sense for blog. and in present time i remove my friend’s ad unit from my blog so please tell me what should i do.
Just apply and see what google says.
Hi Spencer,
A quick question which I hope you could clarify for me
When you applied for your Adsense Business account, when entering the “Person to contact/Webmaster” name, did you use a different name to the one you had used on your original banned account?
Thank you
…. also, when applying for a Business Account (having add a personal account banned) do you have any thoughts about whether the website being offered for consideration has to have anything to do with the Business name in any way – i.e. does it ‘have’ to be a business website for that business.
I understand that adsense ads can be placed on other websites after acceptance back into absense but I am unclear about the requirements of the site being offered in the application.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
sir i applied for google adsen but it disapproved i get a top level domain beforE applying
created all pages like about us ,contact us
and also i had lot of traffic per day so why my blog is not approved plz review my blog sir
adsen did not show which things in my blog voilates rules
plz review my blog sir
Thanks for the guide. Well.. in my experience I was too hard to get my first adsense account. After I became a publisher for about six month then my account got banned with no any real reason. I have no idea, because I thought I ddn’t break any adsense rule. You may explain me. Thanks
Awesome techniques i would love to follow these for sure
Hey bro plzzzz check my web site and tell mi can I apply the google adsense? and if any missing in my site then plzz help me…
plzzz reply mi through mail as soon as possible..
Thank U……………..
my web site and tell me can I apply the google adsense?
hey Spencer,
I had applied for google adsense many times from past 2 years from many sites with different niche. Is there any possibility that they are not accepting because i tried too many times (from different email ids). Am i blacklisted?
please help, i am confused
Have you ever been approved before? If you’ve been approved before, then you can’t have a second account.
I am experiencing the issue where Google has put an amount into my bank account but the verification process says that the amount is incorrect.
I’m not an idiot, and perfectly capable of typing 0.41 without a mistake. I only have one deposit from Google, so there is not an issue there.
Please can someone help me on what to do to resolve this problem?
Hey Spencer, you wrote a great and usefull article realy It’s very helpful for me. i have created a education blog [ EduRise]. i w’ll go with your tips when my domain age 6 month,
thank you for this Awesome tips 🙂
hey Spencer plzz give m the reply dude… I need to help u….
Make sure you have a privacy policy page as I mentioned in step 1 in this post. Everything else looks good.
Thanx Bro……..
Hi Spencer.. I feel like an idiot asking this but, if my blog is hosted by wordpress, do I need to purchase the domain name before I can use adsense?
Not sure how hosted wordpress works actually. I only use the self-hosted version of WordPress. I’m pretty sure that you need your own domain and hosting account – don’t think you can have adsense on a site.
I think it is absurd after being with google adsense for almost as long as it started that they are forcing users to provide them with bank account information. A check is a whole lot more secure and its not like they have to put much effort in sending one via their automated system.
Hi , this is vishal from india .
i created a website using wordpress 3 months back and i m updating it regularly , i have also checked that i have no copied content on my website .
i just wanted to ask how is my website and is there any time period after which u can apply for adsense ???
how solve this problem “Site does not comply with Google policies”
Plz you help me please..
i read every line of this article and i know something new about adsense. i wnat to know about the priority posts which Google wants like unique content, not copied, words count and all that related to a good article.
First of all this is an excellent article. After reading your post I added About, Contact and Privacy Page to my blog and I also added a new theme to my blog and then applied to adsense. But my application got rejected on second review stating that “Site does not comply with Google policies”.
Please, If you may have time to take a look at my blog and give me your valuable suggestion if any.
Thanks for this wonderful post on helping adsense newbies out there.
I never knew it was this difficult and all the comments asking for their blog to be checked. There wasn’t any sweat in my blog getting adsense approval and if all the steps mentioned are well implemented, then approval won’t be a problem.
This is on problem folks have, instead of complying with adsense policy and they do is just to apply and they later fell depressed when their application is declined.
Well good tips you got here Spencer, I hope they implement it.
Hey Bro I upload privacy and policy on our site. So plzzz see my web site and tell m, can I apply the google adsence or not? plzz give me the solution and reply as soon as possible..
Thanx Spencer…
My site got rejected by adsense couple of times. But as per policies I’m not using any others contents, no images from other site, around 100 post, daily traffic as per webmaster around 1000, around 7 months older. Even then my site not getting approved. So please check and help me on getting adsense.
Thank you very much Mr. Spencer , Through your article , I have got to know about privacy policies generator and also used it
sir, i need your urgent help.
i applied for google ad sense and they have accepted the initial step and my website is getting reviewed .
now as they say to add blank links , i added the html codes in the widget section of wordpress and now only blank ads are only visible which means only a white blank rectangle is visible but according to google ad sense it means,it should have shown “blank link” which heads to some other link through my website . please reply . thanks . my website is . please help me , i will obliged to you .
Hey Raghav also help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………. look my web site and tell m can I apply the google adsence?
I have tried severally but they keep disapproving my application. please take a look at my site to see if you can help me. thanks
please check my site if you can help cos they always reject my application. thanks
After I initially commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when
new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added
I receive four emails with the same comment. Is there a way you are able to remove me from that service?
Getting adsense approved is becoming harder and harder. My previous site got approved very quickly but this time, things are going hard.
Hi, i have a query. Does google approve the price comparison websites for google adsense account? I have a price comparison website I had applied for google adsense account 2 months back but got rejected. Please guide me how can i get approval. I have read on internet forums that google does not approve price comparison websites for its adsense account due to lack of original content. But there are many price compariosn websites like pricedekho etc. who are already having approved adsense account. Please help me.
Sure, google will approve a price comparison site. You probably got rejected for a different reason.
My application for adsense was disapproved via this message:
– Site does not comply with Google policies
Further detail:
Site does not comply with Google policies: We’re unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because your site does not comply with the Google AdSense program policies (, or adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines ( It’s our goal to provide our advertisers sites that offer rich and meaningful content, receive organic traffic, and allow us to serve well-targeted ads to users. We believe that currently your site does not fulfill this criteria.
Here are some recommendations to help you improve the user experience on your site and comply with AdSense criteria:
– It’s important for sites displaying Google ads to offer significant value to the user. As a publisher, you must provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
– Don’t place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content.
– Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through your pages and find the information they’re seeking.
i have rejected 3 time …i have done necessory changes too but still rejected
can some one plzz help me out !!!
my wesite link =
Hello Spencer I’m currently building a forum, I want to monetize it through Google Adsense, do they approve forums???
I’ve never run a forum, so I don’t know. But I do know that lots of forums have adsense on them.
My Website abcdblogging temporarily approved for adsense. But, after placing the code the disapprove it. Can i submit to adsense again?
How’s it going Spencer? Really appreciate the great info and I’m planning on following to the T. I was just wondering though if there was a certain number of weeks or months that your website had to be up in order to be approved. On there website it says:
“Have you owned your site for 6 months? In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. We’ve taken this step to ensure the quality of our advertising network and protect the interests of our advertisers and existing publishers.”
Not sure if this is other countries outside the US. I lived in the US by the way.
Hi ! Spencer,
Great info you have shared with us.. thank you for your helpful work…I just applied for the adsense more than 4 times but google rejected my site telling “google policies” issues violation…I just worked hard to get approved…but seems very tough….my website is Any idea about it ??
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, you also need traffic. No matter how great your site is, if your traffic only trickles in, then you won’t get approved. To Google, the amount of traffic you get (and yes, it needs to be quality traffic) is as important as your content. A site with just a few hundred hits a month won’t due. This is my experience but I could be wrong.
I have a website that serves Google search… about 25,000 users a day doing multiple search each. I lost my account because of the content (and not sure which of my sites was in question). If anyone has an Adsense account that is not making much money, I’d like to partner to serve search only.
Thanks Lowell, I found my weak point to be noted, one question is do they approve job sites ?
Thanks for quick reply !
I wasn’t approved because they required to insert a code into my page to prove that I own the website, and then send them the url with the code. However, they don’t accept this url because it doesn’t end with the primary address, such as .com! They don’t know themselves what they want! I will make a direct contact with companies and place their ads not to bother with google’s complications…
This design is wicked! You definitely know how to keep a reader amused.
Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved
to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Excellent job.
I really enjoyed what you had to say, and
more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!
Can we use adsense for maps in our free file transferring website?
We are monitoring the transfers closely, but how to show this to adsense?
Hi Spencer,
I hope you will find the time to reply me please. You mentioned that Google will not approve a site that has been declined before. I run only one blog, now what should I do?
I really want to work with them, please advice me.
Create a new site.
thanks alot to share all information about how to apply adsense to get approved. i hope it will help for getting apporved.
Very informative post…
I submitted my new website . I have more than 40 pages and apart from some pages such as contact us and about us etc all have near or over 500 words in text. 90% of the photos are original and belong to me, a few are from the public domain. Also as far as uniqueness is concerned, I can say that I have not found any other website on the internet that explains and teaches conservation techniques to laymen.
I do not know why I have been rejected at the very first stage within 2 hours of the site name being submitted.
Can anyone please tell me what I’m doing wrong? The standard insufficient content reasons given by google do not seem to be true in my opinion.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Spencer. I applied for AdSense two times. They approve my account after first step verification but after second step verification I get disapproved.
They notified me by mail which contained this “Site does not comply with Google policies”. Please suggest me for any change in my blog I have to made to get permanent approval.
Hi Nice post. One of my site was rejected two times earlier, I didn’t had about privacy & page. May be i can try now.
good suggestions.. learned a lot. many thanks for sharing
First of all thanks for sharing this post. I really liked it. I have already got Google adsense for my blog & I’m feeling great to be a adsense publisher.
sir i want to get adsence to for my website pls see my site and advice
Hi i want to ask related to google adsense that now my website page rank is 2, Can i get google adsense??
Please do tell me if you know it will be very great 🙂
BTW Nice Article
Sure, no PR is needed to get approved.
Hi Spencer, I have a complicated issue and I’d be thankful if you could help me with it.
I signed up on Adsense with my site and got half-approved, I was able to place blank ads only, I waited for about 3 weeks without the approval process being completed. Then realized that Adsense won’t work with sites.
So i moved to and started all over, my concern is will the approval process get completed or I have to resubmit the application again?
Also I was thinking of canceling my Adsense account and create another one with the same website but of course using a different email.
Not sure. But if its been 3 weeks and you haven’t heard anything, that is unusual.
Hi. I was just confused. I have been researching about adsense for more than 2 years but I don’t have any account.
the main reason? I am afraid that I might violate a rule and they’ll put me to prison.
Well, before I create my own adsense, I wanted to know first whether their was a person that violated a rule after he has been paid?
Have you heard someone that has been put into prison because of this???
haha. I know this question is funny but I am just afraid to violate any rule.
No, you won’t go to prison for violating Google’s rules…unless you break the law of course 🙂
Ohh. haha. well, to be honest with you, I registered an account with adsense before and luckily I was approved.
Unluckily, my account got disabled due to invalid clicks. I don’t know what happened behind it. But I think I’ve done one thing that is wrong. I was at school one day and I used the computer in the school. I open my blog to see how it looks in other people’s computer. As I view it I got interested with an ad coz the ad shows something relevant to my course that time. Well, I clicked it. that was my mistake. I send an appeal to the adsense saying these things 1 day ago. Well, 24 hours had passed but they did not send a reply. I think I don’t have a chance anymore.
My family every time say that I am wasting my time here at web, except I know I am getting familiarity daily by
reading such good posts.
thanks for this article… nice..
hey hope you are fine there i applied for google adsense so early without any good content and good impression of my blog cause i don’t about that so much.So now did i apply again for the same blog to ad some good content and with good staff? I am wait for your answer.
Yes, add quality content; then apply.
I had recently applied for google adsence program. They rejected me saying that your site does not comply ti google policies. I have all about us, privacy policy, contact us page and my content is also unique. When shuold i again apply for adsence. Help me please.
hi spencer, my blog was rejected by google due to insufficient content.what should i do next?can i do anything more with this blog pls reply i need your help
Add more sufficient content.
sir, it would be great if u tell me in detail……plz
I really found content that i am searching for. Your article really help me. I also submitted my site for google adsense and waiting for second step approval.
Getting approval from AdSense this day is getting tougher everyday, I got my website turned down always and I don’t have the intention to quit but keep blogging.
Please i applied for adsense but they rejected it… My site is over 6months Old… After i applied and got the rejection; i tried to change some things and delete som things and re applied but it was all the same.. Please help me pls and help check if my site is okay… My site is
I looked at your site and at first glance it appears to have a problem with images. None of your images are working. I read in one article said that you can have no dead links and everything has to work. I too have been trying to get adsense working for myself and I have had no luck.
I looked at your site and at first glance it appears to have a problem with images. None of your images are working. I read in one article that you can have no dead links and everything has to work. I too have been trying to get adsense working for myself and have had no luck.
Hi Spencer ,
Kindly review my website . is that eligible for adsense . if no kindly let me know what to do . approx 10,000 page views/month . i mapped domain with blogger .
hello, can anybody tell me how to add sub-pages in blogger pages and how to post something in those sub-pages.
for example-
So if you got adsense on old sites why are there no AdSense ads here?
Can you use a new adsense on an old site that gets an OK in sandbos ban check sites?
Can you tell me is there a minimum number of visitors a web page must have before applying for adsense?
thank you very much for this article! it’s really helpful! However, I’d like to ask you a question regarding to Adsense. I have my account confirmed few days ago. An ad has temporarily appeared but when I click my Adsense Dashboard, it says that Adsense crawler is unable to crawl my site, is there any way to solve this? I’m new and don’t really understand about how to make Adsense crawler crawls my page 🙁
sorry if my question is somehow out of topic but I hope you don’t mind to help give me some advice.
thank you very much,
Give it some time.
Thanks man.
i have applied for adsense after reading your post. i hope it will get approved by Google.
Hi, I am publisher of I have applied for Adsense and they have decline my application so, I wanted know which mistake i have done …
thanks admin really nice and helpfull post for all newbies that are in blogging…
love to read this post again and again.. thanks for sharing your knowledge 🙂
but i am using my brother’s adsence account, and i think we can use anyone’s adsence account on our blog/website and there is no issue from adsence team…
you can see its working fine here .
so if someone’s account was not approved ,, then you can use any one’s account if your friend or any family member have it. no need to worry about.
which type of the content use in goolge adsense website sir..
Thank you for this informative post.
What do you advise to new bloggers to keep motivation going?
Any Idea’s For My Classifieds Website ?
Thank you. i am using one of my friends google ads. I thinking am eligible for applying this after reading this. 🙂
Try to make account adsense from thirdhost, exemple youtube.
can you tell me what i need to fixed on my site
thank you
Hey bro Nice tips , but confused little over approved site or non approved site, once my account get approve for one site, should i post adsense code to my other site?
Yes, you can put your adsense code on any other sites.
I have applied for adsense, on home page it is written we are working you setting you up since last 2 weeks
why they are taking so much time
Thank you for this informative post.
I learned there more than google support center.thanks again…
thanks for this info
Thanks for sharing knowledge…
Jmd Web Solutionss
I just submitted a new application to Google Adsense. I expect to get approve
Thanks for sharing you tips! My blog :
How you create Menu’s in your site? I am also creating my blog site in wordpress.
Nice post. I too have applied for the google adsence approval. Waiting for their answer, lets hope for the best,
nIce post. Have applied for my google adsence approval. Waiting for their approval. Lets hope for the best
I am agree with the term, quality matter a lot when it comes to talk about adsense. I just got approved my site with only 12 posts. All posts were full of quality and niche was designing. I approved my site easily.
remember these stuff.
1: quality contents
2: necessary pages, like, contact us, about us, terms and conditions and privacy policy page.
3: website look design clean.
4: should minimum 2 month age old site.
Then apply for adsense chances are high you will get approved.
This posts really helpful for adsense lovers, They could get easily approved once they follow these stuff. thanks
Very good article very informative love your work
Great…!! that’s great advice good work, I read and also saw your every post, nice artical very usefull your post Thank you so much for sharing this and the information provide.
What a wonderful post! Really helpful for beginners… What i have experienced, to get approval from adsense, you must have at least 18-20 posts (Plagiarism zero percent ) on your site and MUST VISIBLE pages like about us, contact us, disclaimer and privacy policy. Adsense will never reject your application..
I am running my website ( for over six months. Please let me know that i am eligible for adsense or not and how much i will earn by adsense. Suggest me.
Hey man, I Really appreciate this article, i got fully approved the first time i applied, waited for 2 days and got the approval, TY so much.SAved My life
thanks, that’s great!
Sir may I know how did u get AdSense approved I have a blog related to CMS Called but I am not getting approved from Adsense what to do Please guide me Sir I am Totally irritated form Adsense I am waiting for Google Adsense approval.
Hey Spencer,
Thank you for the very informative blog on AdSense!
I run a blog in which most the content is in Marathi language, as this language is not supported by the Google AdSense policy, my AdSense is not approved by the Google! I will continue blogging in Marathi language only!
What ways I have to get approved by the AdSense?
Thanks in advance!
What does it mean by temporary approval?
It means after they finish verifying, they will give permanent approval.
Very good article very informative love your work
I’m searching for some helpful tips and guide before applying Adsense. I have a niche authority site, which takes place on google first page and it’s DA-11 & PA 16. I published 14 articles right now and it’s total 16000 words. The site age is 5 months running. If I apply for google adsense, Can I get approval chance? someone said that, before apply adsense, you need at least 40 article and 6-month-old site age, Is it true?
No, it doesn’t have to have 40 articles and be 6 months old.
I have this niche website which has all original contents by my full time/part time bloggers. Adsense says the content is copied. I dont see any place where its copied. Do you have any idea how i can get this sorted?
Hey Spencer,
Thank you for the very informative blog on AdSense!
Wow! Can you believe I actually followed these guides and hopefully, I was able to get adsense approval for my site within just 6 hours. Thanks very much for the guide
That’s what we’re talking about! Good job Quyum
Hello Spencer,
Thank you for sharing this blog post with us! But I have a question. Actually a problem,
You’ve said in your post that “you CANNOT apply to Google Adsense using a site that has ever been used for Google Adsense before”
last year my website got hacked and the hacker placed Google Adsense ads on my website. later my hosting provider gave me a new cPanel and I started again from the beginning(with the same domain).
my question is “can I apply for Google Adsense with that website now?”
Thank you again
What are the valid photo id proof for Adsense Business account? We have only Bank Statement, Certificate of Incorporation, TAN and PAN. Please suggest.
A bank statement is fine
Hi, I just want to ask if I should remove my youtube video (has google ads) in my blog post. I am going to apply for AdSense this month. Should I leave it like that or remove it? Please, I need help.
Hey Fred, it’s personal preference! I like to include videos when possible because they’re helpful for users
Hi Brady, thanks for the reply. I mean to say, is it okay to Google Ads team if there’s a youtube video (has ads) in my blog, I am applying for G.Ads for blog and I heard that they do not allow ads while applying for G.Ads?
I gotcha. As long as you have good content and don’t have your pages overloaded with affiliate links or ads, you should be ok 🙂 That Youtube video should be fine
Aw! Thank you very, very, very much Brady Cargle. It’s clear now
Can we get Adsense approval on News Website. I have doubts. Please clear
i Fail to Verify my payoneer account, then the bank cancel my payments from adsense, thats will returning to account or what will happen? because payment is not showing in Adsence and payoneeer accounts. please support and guide.
I’d suggest contacting Payoneer