Best About Me Template For Your Website: Plus 8 Great Examples
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You’re about to receive an ‘about me' template for your website.
First, you need to understand why you need an about me page in the first place and also how many website owners are doing things wrong.
A lot of business owners don’t realize the importance of an about us page.
And I don’t mean important because Google will slap you if you don’t have one; I mean important because of the hidden benefits that could make or break your business.
Yes, what might seem like a minor page to have on your website, turns out to be pretty important.
I’ll give you the template, the reasons why they're crucial, and show you eight websites with fantastic about pages. You’ll be able to take notes, get inspiration, and learn how to write an about me page like an expert.
Read the article in full and then return to the steps and complete them one at a time.
Why Do You Need An About Me Page?
Your about page is one of the most important pages on your website. It will build your brand, increase your traffic, and tell the world (your potential clients) what you do.
It’s a marketing muscle that opens you up for success.
You should treat your about page as a sales page because, effectively, that’s what they are. Yes, you still tell them who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them, but ultimately, it’s an in-direct sales page that starts a nurturing process with your potential customer.
If you write an about us page correctly, you can build your email list and sell your products, in addition to telling the reader what they want to know about you.
Your about page can also drive traffic from the search engines if you implement the correct on-page SEO tactics.
For example, look at what happens when someone searches for ‘Niche Pursuits’ on Google.
Let’s try another one.
As you can see, the about pages are showing in the search results, and so will yours if you take a bit of time to write a good one.
However, before we move on, there’s something else you need to realize about the readers of your about page.
They don’t care about you!
You’ll bore them to death if you waffle on too much about yourself or your company.
Obviously, there’s a slight interest in who you and your company are, but honestly, they don’t give a damn; they just want to know one thing.
What can you do for them!
And that is where the opportunity lies.
If you include the essential things, you’ll be able to turn your about page into a gold-plated source of information.
Information that offers new readers what they want to know, and at the same time, you'll be starting a marketing campaign with them without them even realizing it.
All you need to do is follow the template.
About Me Template
This about page template isn’t a cookie-cutter approach because that won’t do you any good at all. What it is, is a series of sections that you will have to fill in yourself.
If you were expecting a simple approach that will take you ten minutes to complete, then this isn’t the template for you — you’re going to have to spend a few hours getting this right.
Start at step one, complete it, and then move on to step two, and so on.
Step 1. Introduce Yourself
I’ve just touched on this, but I’ll repeat it because it’s crucial to your success — your about page is not about you, but more about what you can do for your reader.
If you remember one thing from this article, make sure it’s what I’ve just said.
When starting your about page, you need to introduce yourself but at the same time tell your readers what you will do for them if they stick around.
Take a look at the start of Pat Flynn’s about page on SPI.
Notice how he starts by telling the reader what he will be doing for them. Anyone reading his about page will feel like he wants to help them.
Here’s a couple more.
This one is a little different because it’s a video on the about page, but if you look at the video’s title, you can see that he is telling the visitor that he can generate more traffic and sales for them.
The next one is a favorite of mine.
This one belongs to Eban Pagan; look at his first and last paragraph — pretty powerful.
Action Step 1: Write your introduction using the information and examples in this article for inspiration and guidance.
The following tips should help you out:
- Don’t bore them with company talk in the introduction – you can briefly mention it, but make sure it’s quickly turned into how you will be helping them
- Share your aim – what do you want to achieve for them with your blog?
- Be specific
- Use bullet points to show the benefits of sticking around
- Add visuals
- Keep it short
Step 2. Company Story
The next step is to tell a brief (keyword ‘BRIEF.’) story about your company. You can include how, when and why you created the business.
But remember, they don’t really care, so make it brief and interesting.
If you have the writing skills of Stephen King, you will be able to get away with a longer story, but for most of us, just tell them the bare minimum.
Action Step 2: Create your company story, but don’t make it a wall of text. Include images, bullet points, and lists to make it visually appealing.
Step 3. Show Proof & Credibility
If you have proof, authority, and credibility, then you need to show it on your about page. It could be testimonials, video reviews, or even certificates of qualifications and achievements.
You can link to other sources here, but make sure they’re internal links and relevant to the content.
Your aim in this section is to show the reader that you are qualified to be teaching them. If you don’t have any proof, leave this section out, or better still, get proof in the forms of testimonials and reviews.
Action Step 3: Gather proof, testimonials, videos, links to case studies, and add them to your about page.
Step 4. What’s Next For Them
You now need to tell them what’s next for them.
They know what you can do for them, your company story, and they believe you can help them because you have shown proof, but you now need to tell them what they need to do.
In other words, tell them to sign up for your free report, webinar, free trial, etc.
Action Step 4:Â Have a plan of action for nurturing the reader.
You will want to get them into your funnel, and signing them up to your email list should be the number one priority. Â
Step 5. Show Them the Way
You don’t just tell them what to do; you show them.
Click here now to sign up for a free webinar, or Get your free 30-day trial here — literally tell them what to do.
Of course, you will have to explain what’s in the report and trials, but the main aim is to show them how.
You should also tell them to follow you on social media sites such as Twitter and explain how they can contact you if they need any help or advice.
Action Step 5: Make sure you have clear calls to action on your about page.
About Me Page Live Examples
Below is a selection of 8 of the best about pages online.
Take a look at them and see how they use the above steps in their writing. As mentioned above, take notes, and see if you can use their style on your own about page.
1. Niche Pursuits
Our very own Spencer Haws is on the list because his about page is good. He introduces himself in two sentences (talk about keeping it brief) and then tells you the purpose of Niche Pursuits.
He will share his knowledge with you — he tells you this by the sixth sentence; you don’t even need to scroll down.Â
You are shown bullet points of his achievements since 2005, not to brag, but to convince you that he’s a credible person to follow.
His about page links to his social media sites, contact page and also offers you the chance to sign up to his email list.
Finally, there’s a brief background on him, and also a short story on how he quit his job.
That’s it.
Short and effective.
2. Enchanted Marketing
Take a look at the menu items at the start of this fantastic about page by Henneke Duistermaa.
The very first section is ‘How I Help You.’
Everything mentioned in the template above is on this about page. It has proof, links, testimonials, images, and above all else, it’s all about the reader.
Take a look at how she writes her about page because it’s as good as I’ve ever seen.
3. Smart Blogger
Smart Blogger CEO Jon Morrow is a genius when it comes to blogging. Everything he touches turns to gold, and it doesn’t surprise me that his about page hits the spot to perfection.
What we do and how we do it are the main headlines at the top of the page.
He has links to his free courses, testimonials from marketing rock-stars, and a back story that no one will get bored of reading.
The Smart Blogger about page is a thing of beauty, and you can learn a lot from it.
4. Fresh books
The about page explains how the company was formed when the owner lost his invoice after typing it out without saving it — this is presented in three short sentences.
You then see the above image.
If that doesn’t grab your attention, nothing will.
Take another look; over 24 million people have used the company.
The proof and credibility are undeniable.
There are short text blurbs about the company's philosophy, team, and vacancies. After that, there are related news links about the company and an option to try the software for free.
Fresh books about page is a perfect example of keeping things simple, but at the same time, it screams authority.
5. Copy Blogger
Copy Blogger is one of the biggest content marketing blogs in the world. They know how to use copy effectively, and it shows on their about page.
Take a look at the headline.
They’re telling you that one of the biggest blogs in the world became successful using the methods they teach on the site — you instantly know they can help you.
There’s an offer for free proven training and links to follow them on Twitter and other social media sites.
They make their about page about you rather than them.
They have brief sections about the people running the website, but it’s short, helpful and interesting information in the main.
6. Ann Handley
Ann Handley has created her about page with colorful text blurbs, downloadable PDF links, and proof of expertise like being showcased on the Wall street journal.
At the top of her page is a blue heading showing proof and evidence of how she can inspire her readers to create lasting results for their business.
It’s one of the shortest about pages on the list but still manages to pack a punch with her style of writing and modern design.
7. Shopify
Shopify is another company that has created a short but effective about us page that packs everything you need to know within a beautiful layout.
The first thing you see is a lime green note box telling you that they power over 1.7 million sites. They state that their software provides everything you need to start, run and grow your business.
Pretty powerful.
There are brief sections about their story, mission, commitments, staff, and at the end of the page, they offer you a free 14-day trial with no credit card needed.
8. Maria Forloe
I love Maria Forloe’s about page for many reasons, but the first thing that impresses me is the lazy-loading image introduction — it’s different, unique, and looks pretty cool.
She wants to help you become the person you want to be — right from the start; she made her about page about the reader.
Scroll down a touch, and you see credibility.
You soon notice that her show is award-winning and that her book was a New York Times bestseller.
There are images of her with some famous faces and a link to join her program.
Maria has created a wonderful about page that tells her personal story and makes it appealing to the reader with credibility, modern design, and a touch of class.
Best About Page Templates
An about me template is a great tool to use if it’s not a cookie-cutter approach. There’s no point in creating an about page similar to everyone else’s.
This is what happens if you use a fill-in-the-blanks template.
You need to think about your target audience and create a value proposition that makes the page about them more than it does about you. Learn more by checking out our complete guide on how to write an about us page.
All the above websites are using the template provided in some way or another. The only difference is that they have all marketed their brand in their own unique voices.
These sites are not fly-by-night successes; they’re created by some of the sharpest minds online — business owners who know what it takes to become successful.
They know how to create an effective about page.
Your job is to do the same.
The more time visitors spend on your website the better!
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