Advertise With Niche Pursuits And Find an Audience for Your Products

Since 2011, Niche Pursuits has been at the forefront of providing real-world educations and case studies to online entrepreneurs. Readers depend on the website to help understand the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

Pairing our next level services with the next level reputation of Niche Pursuits has been a perfect match resulting in us being able to onboard and bring many more people in to our thriving industry.

Mark Mars, NicheWebsite.Builders

Followers faithfully visit Niche Pursuits each month looking for answers, including the best products and services to help them improve their online business.

A majority of the Niche Pursuits audience operate businesses in the following spaces:

  • SEO
  • Niche Websites
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • eCommerce Websites
  • Blogging Websites
  • Social Media Influencers
  • Side Hustlers

These Niche Pursuits blog readers, podcast listeners, Youtube viewers, and Facebook group members are actively looking for products and services just like yours.

We've optimized these platforms to help you connect with potential clients and customers to get more out of your advertising budget.

Here's How You Can Tap Into the Niche Pursuits Audience…

Podcast Ads

The Niche Pursuits podcast regularly hosts the world's top names in internet entrepreneurship. Those at the forefront of the industry who people trust for advice.

Niche Pursuits pushed The Website Flip's product, EasyWins, in front of one of the largest audiences of website creators and investors. Our product was featured on the Niche Pursuits podcast, in 3 email blasts, a blog post, and social media shoutouts. During this week, we saw excellent results. Highly recommended!

Mushfiq S,

Here are some details on the listenership:

  • Over one and a half million all-time downloads
  • Over 20 thousand unique downloads each month (and growing)
  • New episodes released weekly with multiple opportunities for advertising

Podcast Ad Pricing

  • $500 per episode
    • Pre-roll Ad and End-roll ad (up to 1 minute in length)
    • Includes a mention in the show notes on
    • Mid-roll ad available for an additional $150 (not available as a standalone purchase) – (up to 1 minute in length)

The podcast accepts up to 2 different advertisers per episode.  If you want to be the exclusive advertiser on an episode (Pre, Mid, and End-roll ad) the price is $950.

Advertise On The Niche Pursuits Podcast

Email Ads

Email ads are still one of the best ways to get in front of highly qualified visitors.

With the Niche Pursuits mailing list, your product or service will be seen by 40,000+ Active subscribers (opened an email in the last 30 days) eager for products that will improve their business.  The open rate of the typical email to the Niche Pursuits audience is regularly 30%+.

Niche Pursuits has been fantastic, each Friday we are listed in their newsletters and it's always one of our busiest days due to the traffic it drives. The traffic highly converts into a variety of different goals such as site registration, sales, and newsletter sign-ups.” – Kelley Van Boxmeer,

Read a couple of sponsored email examples right here:

Here are some stats of past email broadcasts, open rates, and click rates:

Featured Email Sponsor Ad Example

Email Footer Ads Example

Email Ads Pricing

  • Featured Email Sponsor – $750 per email. This includes…
    • Featured logo/image at the top announcing the email is “Sponsored by…”
    • Mid-email ad. Sponsor provides a written text of 200 words or less.  Links and images are okay.
  • Email footer ads – $200 per email.
    • 2 “footer” sponsors available per email.
    • Sponsor provides a written text of 100 words or less.  Links and images are okay.

Adverstise with an Email Ad

Website Banner Ads

Each month receives over 170,000+ page views (and growing), from entrepreneurs actively looking for advice and recommendations.

This is your opportunity to get your product or service featured on one of the most respected sites in the industry, where visitors trust the advice of the experts that write for the platform.

The Niche Pursuits community is very engaged, making them ideal users for any new software. They provide great/fair feedback without being unreasonable. Using the NichePursuits audience helped launch to get its initial customers and informed the next stages of development for the tool.

Jon Gillham,

Here's the breakdown of traffic:

Website Banner Ads Pricing

  • Sidebar Position A ad on entire website (size 300 x 600) – $1,500 per month
  • Sidebar Position B ad on entire website (size 300 x 250) – $1,000 per month
  • In-content ad – midway – on each blog post (size 600 x 300) – $1,500 per month
  • Footer ad on each blog post (size 728 x 90) – $750 per month

Advertise On The Website

Facebook Group Ads – “Ask Me Anything”

What better way to sell your product or service than by speaking directly with people who need it? The Niche Pursuits Facebook Group features an Ask Me Anything session two to three times each week.

You will have your product posted to the top of the Facebook group with an Ask Me Anything post for users to speak with you for a full day.

Use this as an opportunity to connect with users and build your authority and trust in one of the largest online entrepreneurship communities around.

With over 25,000 active members, the Niche Pursuits Facebook group is a great way to connect with potential buyers:

Facebook Group Ad Example:

Niche Pursuits Facebook Group Ads Pricing

  • Niche Pursuits Facebook Group “Ask Me Anything” Post – $500
    • Creates excitement and engagement for your brand
    • Mention your product/brand with a link
    • Seen by more people because the engagement is high on these types of posts
    • Gets pinned to the top of the group for 48 hours
    • Post will be seen for as long as people continue to engage or comment

Advertise on the Niche Pursuits Facebook Group

Partnering up with Niche Pursuits was by far one of the best marketing initiatives we had so far. When launching a new service or product, exposure to the right audience is key and the Niche Pursuits community has well-accepted what we had to offer. The Niche Pursuits team is great to work with and definitely worth partnering up with.

Amel Sadikovic,

Click Here to Advertise on Niche Pursuits