How This YouTuber Makes $40K Per Month With YouTube Affiliate Marketing
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What do you do if you have a niche website that's already getting some traffic but you also want to get additional traffic from youtube?
Or how do you start a YouTube channel from scratch and find a subject that you know is actually going to be able to rank on YouTube and make you some money?
Today on the podcast I'm talking with Eric – he is a YouTube expert. In fact, he is now making over $40K per month from affiliate marketing on YouTube.
He makes a bunch of videos in various niches, and he's learned a process for finding low competition keywords with high search volume. They also have good earnings per click rates and/or affiliate payouts.
We're going to walk through the process of how he does keyword research for YouTube, starts and builds channels, and how to best monetize them.
Eric's been very successful in his business and is very knowledgeable about YouTube. I think you're going to enjoy this discussion – it will either get you fired up about creating YouTube videos or answer your questions about whether or not you should get into it!
Watch The Interview With Eric
In the podcast, you will also hear the story of how Eric quit his corporate job about a year ago to go full-time on YouTube and what that has done for his business. He was working a regular job for quite some time even when he was making more money on YouTube, and he shares his feelings on that.
Eric also gave some great examples that apply to Niche Pursuits and Link Whisper as to whether I should expand that YouTube channel or what I should be doing there.
As you listen in, even though he's giving some advice for my businesses, you're going to hear how you can apply that to your own business.
You're going to get some great tips and strategies for not only how to create videos and make money, but the entire process of how Eric has been able to find success in doing this.
Links to things we discussed in the interview:
- Affiliate Marketing Calculator – Must search ‘passive cabbage affiliate marketing calculator' on YouTube!
- Passive Cabbage Challenge – Eric's marketing YouTube channel
- Social Nope – One of Eric's product review sites (check out what his videos are like!)
- Link Whisper – the BEST internal link building plugin
- Ahrefs YouTube channel – as an example of a brand doing YouTube really well
Eric has a goal that he wants to help 1000 people in 1000 days start making $1000+ per month on YouTube, so make sure you visit the Passive Cabbage channel for more info!
You can also check out this blog post on YouTube affiliate marketing.
Read the full transcript:
Spencer Haws:Â So what do you do if you have a niche website that's already getting some traffic, but you also want to get additional traffic from YouTube, or how do you start a YouTube channel from scratch and find a subject that you know is actually going to be able to rank on YouTube and make you some money today.
I'm going to talk with Eric Worell. He is a YouTube expert. In fact, he is making over $40,000 a month from affiliate marketing on YouTube. And so that is his sole source of income. He makes a bunch of YouTube videos in various niches, as we'll talk about. And he's learned a process for finding low competition keywords to target.
They get high volume and that also have good earnings per click or affiliate payouts. And so we're going to walk through that process of how he does that. We're going to hear Eric story of how he just quit his job, his corporate job about a year ago to go full-time on YouTube and what that has done for his business.
He's clearly been very successful. He's very knowledgeable when it comes to YouTube. And I think you're going to enjoy this discussion because it's going to get you fired up about creating YouTube videos or at least answer some questions that you might have. You know, should you go into YouTube if you're considering doing that?
And I have to thank Eric as well, because he gave a couple of great examples that apply directly to my business in regards to a niche pursuits and link whisper. And whether I should expand that YouTube channel and what I should be doing there. But I think as you listen to it in, even as he's giving some advice for niche pursuits and link whisper, you're going to hear how you might be able to apply that to your own business.
Overall, you're going to get some great tips and strategies for. Not only creating YouTube videos and how to make money from those. But the entire process of how Eric has been able to find success in doing that. So overall, here's the interview. I hope you enjoy hearing from Eric. And if you want to get his affiliate marketing calculator that we mentioned here during this discussion, just go over to YouTube type in passive cabbage affiliate marketing calculator, and you can get that calculator.
And then as well, you can just follow along with his channel, which is passive cabbage. And I should just mention, he's got a really amazing goal on passive cabbage, where he wants to help a thousand people in 1000 days, start making a thousand dollars or more per month. On YouTube. So go ahead and follow along with him on YouTube at passive cabbage.
Eric: again.
Spencer Haws: Hey Eric. Welcome to the niche pursuits podcast.
Eric: Hey Spencer. Thanks for having me on. I'm been following you for quite a while. It's kind of fun to be able to meet you on this podcast and looking forward to chat. Yeah,
Spencer Haws: you know, it's great to connect. And we were just talking, you just got back from Cabo in Mexico doing a little mastermind retreat with the rhodium guys.
And I know a lot of the people over in rhodium weekend, so it sounds like you had a good time and, and certainly we were able to connect a lot of great people
Eric: there. Yeah. I'm kind of glad it's the podcast for most people and instead of video, cause I have like burns on my shoulders right now and I'm probably another day or two, I'm going to start scaling a little bit on my face lesson learned from that trip, many of them, but one of them is, remember if you're drinking by the pool and it's cloudy out that you can still get sunburned.
So little temper people there. Yeah.
Spencer Haws: Good tip. Absolutely. So for people that don't know, you kind of give us an idea of your professional background a little bit. Cause you do have an interesting story. Just yeah. Let people know what you've been up to recently and you know, how are you making your money
Eric: a few years?
Sure I can give a quick, kind of longer backstory, but I can, I have a lot of experience in marketing all over the place I in college got into event marketing was working, you know, if you go to like, you know, taste of filling the city, there's sometimes people there that are driving they're like Ford and they have setups.
Those people are going around the country and doing events all over the country. I did that type of work locally and nationwide, technically internationally because I wanted to Canada. And I did that for about seven years. It was kind of cool to be able to travel a bunch and do that kind of work.
But yeah, out pretty quick, ended up getting into a into digital marketing from just learning stuff online. People like you started taking cracks at websites. YouTube, YouTube. I started in 2012 and I didn't even know you could make money at it. I just like creating video content. I will watch the video on somebody like trying to like how to paint a bathtub.
And I watched the video and I was like, this whole thing was just an ad for some guy in Baltimore. This doesn't help. So I decided I'm just going to do this. I'm going to paint my own bathtub, myself, record it and just see what happens. And that started getting like a ton of views pretty quick, probably because there wasn't so many creators on the platform back then.
And it probably took me like two years of having content on YouTube. And I randomly stumbled on a blog, post explaining ad sense. I was like, well, wait a minute. I can make money from YouTube, like automatically. So I, yeah, it took me about two years into like 2014. I think my first day I made like 26. And it's probably the most exciting income I ever made in my life.
And then at that same time, I was actually building out niche websites too, and not 2013. So I kind of was tapping into both audiences and kind of learning about both of those avenues, but I wasn't, I'm kind of wired in a way that I'm not a risk taker. I'm very prudent, which is. Got its pros and cons. So I was working a full-time job for four years at a traditional advertising agency.
So it's more so branding, TV and radio. And then we had a client that was interested in doing videos. So we started doing stuff together and then eventually he hired me onto his company. And that's where I really got into content marketing with that company. I had thought I knew content marketing when I got in, but then I started researching and reaching out to experts and learning from them.
The H reps, a YouTube channel was super helpful for me with Sam over there. Learned a ton that way. And I was able to grow that website for that company, like from like 600,000 annual visitors to over 3 million, just to direct impact on the bottom line for the company. And while I was working there.
Yeah. I feel bad for any boss I've ever had because they just never had a shot with me because I've always had this entrepreneurial mindset in the background of like, I just want to do my own thing. I want to control my schedule. I want to not have a cap on my earnings, all of these things. So I started really kind of taking YouTube more serious while I was working there.
I made a goal. I think it was like in January or maybe, you know, April or something pretty early in the year. And I was like, I want to make more income on YouTube. By December, and this is going back to 2018, then I do what my day job and I missed it, but I only missed it by one month. So the following January, the next month, I made more income on YouTube and I did it my day job, and it still took me another year plus to pull the trigger to be able to lead this because it's not cool to admit, but I'm just not a risk tolerant person, but eventually I got it to where I was starting to do really well on YouTube.
And that's kind of the backstory of how I got into doing YouTube and specifically affiliate marketing. Right.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. So, first of all, congrats for being able to create a venture that led to you making enough money, that you could quit your job and, you know, sort of leave that corporate world. That's such a huge thing for people.
Right. And so I don't want to gloss over that. You know, that's something that sounds like you were dreaming of and thinking of for years and to be able to do that, I'm sure it just feels right.
Eric: Amazing. Yeah. And if I could add to that point, cause this might be helpful for some of your listeners that are maybe at that stage where they're still doing both.
One of the things I realized after getting out is I'm wired as an entrepreneur. Like the way that I think, like the aspirations, the desire for control, all those things. But then at the same time, like I think chemically, mentally, I'm kind of wired as an employee. And when you live in that world, it creates so much tension, right?
Like it's like, they call it like cognitive dissonance. Like you have these two things that kind of compete against each other. So if somebody is kind of falling into that world, like, I don't necessarily have advice for you just, but I do think understanding that and understanding where that causes the tension is, is super helpful.
Because for me, like once I started to believe in myself enough that I could actually do this and I can do this whole time and I find it. Kind of got pushed slash made that leap to do it like so much of that tension, like just dissolved. So there might be people listening to this. And I just wanted to make mention of that because just from like a mental health standpoint, like it's such a wonderful transition when you make that leap and it works for you.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. Just to be kind of self-aware of who you are and how your mind works. I think that's, yeah. It just important for sure. Whether it's kind of wired exactly like you or in some other way, just to be able to recognize that, Hey, everybody's a little bit different. Right. And you need to figure out kind of how you work the best or, you know, what, what are good goals for you individually is super important.
So, so how long ago was it officially that you quit your job and have been doing affiliate marketing and YouTube
Eric: full-time yeah, it's actually been just over a year. So June 2nd is when I started the transition out of my last year. And it was funny because I was still super nervous because again, I'm just kind of like a prudent, nervous person, I suppose.
But like, you know, I've been making more money on my side job and I think in some ways, like, I just didn't want to, you know, I think the analogy is like the monkey, that's trying to swing from one vine to the next and they won't let go of the last vine. And then you just kind of end up suspended in midair.
And that was me and the, the vine I couldn't let go of was my day job. And I needed to, because, you know, I didn't spend enough time thinking about like, what's the return on my time. So that day job, it wasn't like crushing it. I wasn't like six figures or anything like that. And it's just like, I was eating up so much of my time just because I wanted the security of what that job provided.
And when I was able to find, let go of that vine, that's when I was really able to start thinking and not rushing with the content that I was creating and then taking my side hustle to my full-time thing. So, yeah. Yeah.
Spencer Haws: So can you give people an idea of where your business is today? And then we're, we're going to go back and talk about a lot of the strategies, right?
That that either can get other people there, but give us an overview of, you know, where is your business today? What are you doing on YouTube and how much you're making or other success metrics, whatever you're willing to.
Eric: Sure. Yeah, I think and I've fallen into this trap too. Like people look at somebody as YouTube channel and they look at the subscriber count and I do not crush it there whatsoever.
My top channel currently it's called social. Nope. It'll probably change. Because I'm trying to rebrand that, but that is like 15,000 subscribers. A newer channel that I just started has like literally 42 as, for today called passive cabbage challenge. And we can talk more about that later, but what I've realized is I now spot channels that have like a thousand subscribers and I'm like, that person is crushing it monetarily.
So those, yeah. Yeah. And it's basically because you can jump around on YouTube. Like it's funny that we're on this podcast niche pursuits, because like YouTube is kind of the opposite. It's more so about. Can you. Can you get, keep hold attention, right? So can you get the click on the video and then can you keep their attention on that video?
And the way you do that is just, you know, little tips and tricks to kind of set a hook, you know, and then the way that it was described to me, and I know I'm kind of jumping around a little bit, but everyone's familiar with Seinfeld and Seinfeld does a masterful job of keeping attention and the way they do that is they really have like four plot lines happening in every episode.
But you never really watch any one of those plot lines for more than a couple minutes. And then it's the next one and the next one. And they're just kind of like weaving these plot lines together and you don't even want to leave the episode for that last second clip because they always do that. Like, you know, the sound kind of comes in and there's just a freeze frame and it kind of puts the button on everything.
So they just do such a masterful job of that. And if you can learn how to do that on YouTube, what happens is YouTube doesn't care that much what your niche is. They don't care if you are, you know, a multi-billion dollar company or some guy in his home office. Like I am what they care about. Is he looking at the metrics of like, how long did people watch this video for so average view duration.
And then they also look at things such as like how long if this was the first video. So let's say somebody was looking up, you know, link, whisper reviews or something like that on YouTube. Right. And that's what they went to YouTube for. There's that end screen. Right? So you see people kind of calling out the end screens at the end of YouTube videos.
The reason those are so important, somebody clicks that. And then let's say they watch that next video for another 10 minutes. YouTube is watching overall session time too. So that's where you can start to rank videos is by keeping attention and also getting to watch the next video and having a really great experience on YouTube and the thing I love about it.
I have like, add not really, but I always say I do, you know, butterfly goes by, I'm watching that and that kind of thing. And for me on YouTube, I can jump around and I can do any single topic in the world. And as long as I make good content that keeps attention, I will get views and organic views from YouTube and be rewarded for that.
So, yeah.
Spencer Haws: So, so to clarify this was actually going to be one of my questions. What you're saying is it doesn't matter what the niche of your channel is. You can create one video can be on one niche and the next video can be a completely different niche. And as long as they're great videos, you're still going to be able to do really well.
Right. Like I, I was looking at your channel and you had things like, I don't remember, you were talking about ovens in one video and then the next video you're talking about Wix versus Squarespace. Right. And it's like, yep, totally different niche. And so you're saying that's
Eric: totally fine. Yeah, and I make money from both of those videos too, you know?
So it's like to do that on a website to be talking about cooking and then, you know, online software, you know, like that would be impossible in my opinion. Well, I mean, you know, much better than I would, but it'd be very difficult, right? Sure. But yeah, YouTube, you can kind of jump around and just get into different, different ideas and topics.
So that's what I kind of like about it. Right.
Spencer Haws: So let's talk about websites, right? A little bit that you started building websites, or at least you dabbled a little bit in websites, along with YouTube and most of my audience and currently myself, right? Like I'm building niche websites where we write content we rank and that's how we make money with affiliate marketing.
You know, what's, what's a way either for somebody that has an existing website, that they can jump into the YouTube game or just other strategies, right. That, you know, maybe existing affiliate marketers could, could use some of your strategies on YouTube.
Eric: Yeah. Why don't we talk about somebody with an existing website with traffic?
Yeah. So I was trying to think of like, you know, for your websites, right? So what I ended up doing was I dropped, was it niche pursuits, I think, into a trash, just to see like what pages, you know, had a lot of traffic. Cause that's always a good place to start. Okay. So the cool thing, the it's worth mentioning it.
If for a website, if you go to, we can all visualize what that looks like. There's a search bar or the Google doodle and that's it like they want you to search for things. On YouTube. If you go to the YouTube homepage, that search bar is at the top of the page typically, and then you have all sorts of videos on your homepage, right there.
Some of those videos are things you subscribe to. And a lot of those are things that are being suggested to you based on all of these millions of data points that they have on us, of what they think you may be interested in. So Google number one, search engine in the world, YouTube, the number two search engine in the world, but it's also the number two social platform in the world behind Facebook.
So, well, a lot of what we're talking about today is going to be talking about search on YouTube, YouTube search, but just know that it's like 20, 25% of the platform. The other 75% is suggested content. So things that, you know, you just watched this, you may like this, or we know this about you, so we're going to show you that's kind of stuff, right?
What I want to talk about right now, it was like, how can you get external traffic views on YouTube and a great way to do that is like I went through niche pursuits. I looked at some of your top pages and I'm assuming you don't care if we talk about all this stuff.
Spencer Haws: Absolutely. Yeah. Let's, let's
Eric: talk about it.
So you had one that was, I'm looking at my notes here. It was something on like ways to make money online as a teenager. Right. You get a lot of traffic on that page. Yup.
Spencer Haws: Yup. That is one of my top.
Eric: Yeah. So like on that page, you know, you've got your different things on there, like Swagbucks surveys, whatever.
Right. And I was looking at that. I was, I was like, how would I add a video to that? And why would that be beneficial? So the video, the mistake I see website owners make when they add video. Cause they've been given us, if I just add video to their pages, like maybe you can increase the dwell time on the page and stuff like that.
But a lot of times they just take the content that is on the page. And they just completely repurpose it into a video. And the worst times is when I see where it's like kinetic typography or something, cause they paid a VA to just like, you know, put some slides in and put some text on screen. What I would do is like make it so that you can have a piece of content that like makes sense to watch in addition to reading the content on that page.
So for your page, if I was doing it, I would probably look at like, you know, assessing like your personality type and what makes sense for you making money online. So we were talking about this earlier, but like, are you somebody who has budget or doesn't have budget and assuming they're a teenager, they probably don't.
Are you somebody who's impatient or patient? So you can S you can see where I'm going with this. Do you have budget and your patient. You know, maybe buying a website would make sense, but if you have budget and you're impatient, maybe, you know, going the pay-per-click route makes sense. And doing something like that, you know?
So like you could come up with a video that gets into just more so like ways to think about this and your own personality and what things might vibe with you. And the nice thing about that. You can start growing your subscriber base on YouTube, which I know I just said earlier, it doesn't matter, but it does.
If you're niche down like you do like you are, and then you're creating a better experience for them. And I even tested it because I dragged a video out on a another website to the end that was embedded. And the thing that was neat about it was it gives you those thumbnails and all the thumbnails are all things related to it was WordPress beginner.
So there's still ways that you can even get them consuming more content on that blog post. But the neat thing is, is that YouTube knows that traffic is external. It knows it it's an embedded video and that's where those views are coming from. But it might also know like, you know what, like these people on your website like this, why don't we start showing this to teenagers that we think are interested in online income over here and start suggesting this video to people.
So in the video, if you're also referencing the actual blog post that you embedded, right? You might be able to get people that have never heard of initial pursuits on a video, and then suddenly they're clicking the link in the description of that video to go to that blog post. So it just kind of becomes like more of like a team approach where you can start having, you know, the traffic fee one another and just kind of add it as like a feeder system to one another.
Spencer Haws: no, that's a really good idea. I like that. So it's just, you know, summarize, I guess, you know, it's not repurposing the content or it's not using the exact content that's in the blog post it's, what is some sort of supplemental thing, right? That it still covers some of the same things, but it's a supplemental to it.
That would be interesting to the reader as well. And then obviously YouTube loves that external traffic and can just grow your channel as well.
Eric: Yeah. And they, you know, I don't know how much Google and YouTube talk, obviously they're owned by Google both of them, but I can't imagine that they hate it when you start feeding stuff to each other, their own companies, you know?
Spencer Haws: So let's, let's dive a little bit more into YouTube affiliate marketing specifically, and we can keep talking about how websites play into that. But when somebody let's say whether they have a website or not, they're ready to jump in, they want to create a YouTube channel and they want to go the affiliate marketing route where they're producing videos.
What are the keys to success there? What, how do they find those topics and launch a video? That's going to make them some money.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. And I love this topic, like, because it took me so long to figure this out. I mentioned like, I think it was like 2014. I made 26 cents. I would say over the next four years.
I made maybe $20,000 in four years, you know? And then once I started figuring out that affiliate marketing was how you could amplify your earnings faster. That's where things really started to take off. And I was trying to, my brain lives in analogies all the time. And I was trying to think of like how to describe this.
And basically what I did when I started on YouTube was it was almost like somebody like, Hey, I'm going to give you a thousand shots and I'm going to pay you 10 bucks for every bucket you make. But when I started, I was like an NBA court and I was standing under one hoop and I had to shoot like just whip a ball across the entire court to try to make shots.
And you're not going to make any money that way, because I was just really uneducated on the platform and how it worked. What I started to do was I started to learn actually how to construct a video so that I could get views predictably. And then suddenly it was like I was shooting shots from half court.
But still not making a lot of money because I was making all of my money from ad sense. And to this day, like I do all right there, I make like three grand a month on ads and cents. It's not my main breadwinner. Most of the money, if I'm making $400,000 a month, like 37,000 of its affiliate through 3000 of its ad sense.
Okay. So I started trying to figure out like, from there, like, okay, affiliate marketing, how do I get good at this? And you can kind of start going in and shooting threes and free throws. And I say, right now I'm kind of shooting free throws. And I want to figure out how to shoot layups. Right. What I, what I started to do is like, I started actually looking at my own data.
What was working, what wasn't and I built like an affiliate calculator. And I know a lot of your audience is going to be listening to this. So I'll try to describe it the best I can. If you can picture a Venn diagram. And one of the circles, let's say there's one at the top and two at the bottom. The one at the top is earnings per click.
So your audience is very, very familiar with earnings per click. I don't need to explain anything. And then another circle is high volume. So if you're looking on YouTube, you know, the first thing I would do is I'm looking at affiliate offers. I'm looking at, you know, what their earnings per click are.
I'm typically looking for a dollar per click earnings per click, and then I'm also looking at it like, is this something that makes sense for YouTube, right? Is it a very visual product? Is it something people have a lot of questions about? Is it something that somebody would actually want to watch a video for?
And then I'll go to YouTube and I'll start searching those bottom of funnel keywords. You know, this first, that brand plus reviews and things of that nature. And I start analyzing the top videos. And the first thing I'm looking for is how many views. And if I have a good earnings per click number, like it's well, north of a dollar I'm okay with less views.
So maybe if it's only got five, 10,000 views, if it's a lower earnings per click number, like maybe 25 cents, I need to see a lot of views. So I'll start looking at the top three videos and you're familiar with that IQ. Have you heard of that tool? Yeah, I've heard of it. Okay. So it does a bunch of things.
The main thing I use it for is it's got a free install on Chrome, and it'll give you a history of the views of that video. So what I'm looking for is I want to see a steady trajectory up of views. And the reason for that is like, I don't want it to be like, you know, this channel has tons of subscribers and you have a spike at the beginning, and then it's just kind of dropped off.
I want to see that YouTube is consistently serving this video to people. And that's kind of what I'm looking for is high volume and also a steady stream of traffic. And I'm pretty sure that it's on their free version, that you can see that data. And then the third circle that I'm looking for is a low competition.
So it's different it's much. I mean, you can kind of see a lot of parallels between niche sites and what I'm talking about, but competition on YouTube is different than a website websites. Like, you know, what's, their backlink profile was the keyword difficulty of that keyword. How likely what's my authority on my site?
How am I going to get all these things? And, you know, you can figure that stuff out, right. You know, even if people listening right now, don't want to use YouTube, I would highly, highly suggest coming up with your own calculator that kind of assesses your own website and your opportunities. But what I do on YouTube is I'll actually start watching those videos.
I'll look up, look at the thumbs up, thumbs down ratio. Do you see what that looks like? I want to look at, like I just mentioned earlier, like preferably the money wants, for me, it was like really low subscribers. So I know that they didn't like feed a bunch of views into this video when they published it.
And then high view count. So 700 subscribers, 50,000 views. Like, unless this person is running ads, which like very few people are doing or they have an external website that's driving the train. That tells me that that's a good opportunity. And then I start analyzing the video just from things I've learned from taking courses and implementing and analyzing my own stuff.
But like, do they do the timestamps? Right. You know, like you can put in the little timestamps underneath and your description because that just tells me they're paying attention more. Sometimes I'll get you extra shoes. Are they, what is their call to action at the video at the end of the video, look like if they don't have end screens that is so important, like you need to have good end screens and you need it to preferably be something that makes sense.
So like, if I was doing a link whisper review video, and then the end screens are about like, look at these adorable cats, like, it doesn't make sense. But if I went into something that was like more detailed on what your service provides, you know, like how do you do proper redirects, right? Cause you have the URL change or tool you know, that might get them to watch that next video and keep them on YouTube longer.
And it rewards that first video. And it's going to help that first video to rank better for them.
Spencer Haws: Right. So when you're looking for that low competition, you basically want to see the top couple of videos that are not doing some of those things, right. That are not utilizing all the strategies that YouTube has to offer the timestamps, the end screens, the, you know, other techniques that you mentioned.
And if they have low subscriber count and a high view, you're like, okay, there's appears to be some weakness in the top few videos that are listed on YouTube. Yeah.
Eric: Yeah. Then I think too is like, I think the amount of research you have to do, even to just figure out what niche you want to build a website and like, you got to get pretty detailed because I'm sure you've seen this where it's just like the more research you do upfront, the more likely you are to succeed.
And the same is true on YouTube, but you don't need as many tools. Like I like eight drafts. I use that tool just to kind of like do some keyword research type stuff, but honestly, I wouldn't even need it. Like I could just literally use the search bar on YouTube to do 90% of my research. And that search bar is going to give me the predictive text.
Right. So if I start writing link whisper, like what else shows up kind of thing after it, those other search suggestions. And what if I click on one of those, let's say I put in like link whisperer burst, and I don't know if you have competition in this space, puncture something would pop up. I could click on that suggestion and then look at the view counts of the videos that are showing up.
Compare those to the subscriber base and without using any tools, kind of have an idea of what the volume is because it's already out there. And it's going to tell me when that was published, how many years ago, everything. Right. So you don't need a lot of tools. It's kind of simple in that way. And I think that's part of the reason that YouTube appeals to me is I like keeping things simple so I can kind of like run through things, at least for me, and the way that my mind works, I can get through things pretty.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. So it does sound a little more simple when you compare it to a website, right? There's so much analysis that can be done off page SEO on page SEO, et cetera. Yeah. In that regard, it's simple, but from somebody like you, me, I'm not really a video expert. You know, my people listening, they've created websites, but never created videos.
That's where it gets complicated. Right. So maybe we found the topic that we want to do, what it, whatever that is. Right. We've kind of matched up your Venn diagram. How do you go about then creating videos? Right? Like what's, what's the steps. Okay. You got your topic now.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. So I love that we can have this conversation because I have at least enough understanding of your world to, you know, make parallels.
So a lot of people talk about skyscraper technique, right? So on blogs, you find somebody post is ranking better. How can I do it better? That's what I'm doing, but I'm doing it on videos. So I start watching the top three videos that were served to me. I mean, it'll depend on every single time you search, if you refresh, refresh, and we'll kind of jump around, but I watched your video with a critical eye and see what they did.
Well, you know, how fast do they talk? What topics. But the cool thing is for the skyscraper technique, you can crowdsource it on YouTube. So you go into the comments and, you know, you better have a thick skin if you're going to YouTube, because people are brutal on that platform. And they'll tell you everything they didn't like about your video.
But I look for that. And then I also look for how many thumbs ups those negative comments have. And to give you an example like, and I don't mind sharing this because this is going to be another case study that I'm working on for my passive cabbage channel is I need to get the business cards created because I'm going to affiliate summit east and New York.
And I've never had them created for this. And I am like, you know what? I might be able to make some money. So I went to YouTube and I searched Vista print reviews. I find a of deal. That's like five years old and it's got 180,000 views. I go to Google to search for their affiliate program. They're on commission junction.
They have a five out of five power rank on there. So that tells me right away, it's decent. And I think I forget what their number was. It was probably around 25 cents or something earnings per click. But the comments of that top video people are like, you didn't even cover shipping times. Like I've always found when I do expedited shipping and the slow shipping, they come in at the same time and it doesn't even matter.
So reading that one comment, I'm like, you know, I could do like something on YouTube. That's a little bit more clever and say like, here's the $40, you know, if you can picture the thumbnail because I know I'm pulling it up for you sponsor, but the audience looking at the podcast, can't see if you can like picture a thumbnail where I'm almost holding up to Vista print business cards, and one says $40.
And the other one says $190. You know, what's the difference, right. I might blur out the business cards too, just to kind of, you know, try to get that click to the video. And then what I can do in that video is start comparing those things and say, Hey, here's the hook. Like I decided to get some Vista print business cards created, but I wanted to see what the difference is.
If you actually like go through every upsell in order versus like going to the cheapest possible route. So let's see what happens. And then I'll be able to show them like, you know, they actually got delivered on the same day. Don't do that upsell, you know, and that kind of thing. And trying to, you know, really make something valuable.
I think when you're doing a video. One of the keys is do not just look at the website of the company that you're reviewing and start going over. Things like price, right? People can find that information way quicker by just Googling that and landing on the site. What you're trying to do is you're trying to essentially read the entire manual and then shorten that into a video.
So get into the nuances of it. Like try to think of a creative, clever way that you might be able to talk about something where they're like, yeah, that was a thought that I had. And I didn't know, like, I'm so glad you answered it. So I know I'm talking a lot right now, but this is one of the ways that I do that is if I'm starting with something like Vista print reviews, I'm going to go to Google.
I'm going to put that in. And then people also ask is going to jump up on the search results. And it's usually like maybe four questions that people also ask. Well, the cool thing is, is Google. And all their data is just sitting there right in front of me. And I can get into the mind of a consumer that is searching Vista print reviews, and I start clicking those people also ask options and it'll do drop-downs and I'm giving me.
But every single time you click on one, they will give you two or three more questions that people also ask. So when I do what I do and when I do it, well, I get comments that are people, like they say stuff literally, like it's like you're in my head. Like this would be review was awesome. And that's because I'm going through people also ask on those Google search results and getting like a fuller picture of everything that they may have a question about.
Spencer Haws: So when you are in the process, you know, that's a lot of the research process, which I think is super valuable. Do you write out like an entire script? How do you you know, before you even record anything, like you have it all laid out, you know what it's gonna look like?
Eric: I think if you talk to one YouTuber versus the next, we'll give you a different answer.
Every time I've even heard this from gurus, like yes, write a script teleprompter. That's what I do. And then other people are like, Nope, I do bullet points on my phone. I found for me bullet points work better. I do have videos that I wrote scripts for and did on a teleprompt. I kind of lose my personality.
It's very hard to read with personality and that's another good point too. Like if you do videos, I call it the, the waitress voice. And I'm sure you've been out to eat before. Probably not as much in the last year. But you have a waitress or waiter and they come up and like immediately, like there's some about them.
You're like, oh, like, hi, welcome to chotchkies. You know, they have this voice and I'm like this person's working for a chip, you know, I probably do this subconsciously, but I never tipped that person as well as the person that comes up and they're like, Hey, how are you doing? Like, yeah, I'm glad you guys can come out tonight.
Like, we've got some really good stuff on the menu. And one of my favorites is this over here, you know? So try not to like on YouTube. And I used to do this, like, I would be like very professional and just like welcome to today's video today. We're going to talk about, and it's like, people don't want that on YouTube.
They want a person, they want a personality. So that's why I kind of got away from teleprompter because it was hard for me to express a personality with it. Probably just need extra work, honestly, though, like you could crush it in that way too. Cause you, you and your audience are amazing at like having scripts written, having those SLPs and like managing a team and all that stuff.
So you can also batch you easily if you're doing teleprompter scripts. But for me, I just found bullet points.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. And so this may be going a little bit off topic slightly, but I, I I've thought about this. Maybe my audience is thinking about it. Like, do you think this could be outsourced like a, an entire YouTube channel?
Like, and I've heard of somebody doing this recently. They found somebody on Fiverr that they will be on the video. You send them the script and they will be the spokesperson on that video and say, you know, we're going to do this review of Vista print today and right. And they, they go through it. Do you think somebody could build a successful channel if they don't want to be the face of that channel?
Eric: Yeah, absolutely. I've come across channels where it's almost like you could see that as an employee who was just really good at what they do. I think the downside that way is like, if you lose that employee, like lose that connection, people had to that personality. I've looked at the fiber route.
I think if you're doing videos that are shorter and that works in some way. Like w one thing I always say is like, when you're analyzing the top three results, if you're doing brand plus reviews, how long are those videos? Are they five minutes? Are they 25 minutes? Some of the things are more complicated and they need to be 25, but then some things don't need to be so over the 25 minute video, and you're going the fiber route, you might end up spending $2,000 to make this video.
But if it's a five minute video, yeah. You could find a spokesperson on fiber. Who's really casual. I would make sure that they are casual and their pre presentation that they understand. You're just, you know, very casual, but yeah, it can be done. I've also seen and I'm sure everyone listening has seen these channels that do well where they're like whiteboard, explainer videos.
There's a show called the infographic show. It's got like 10 million subscribers. And like, it's just, you know, they figured out the sauce, they have animators, they're writing a script and you never see a face on them. So you can certainly do well with those as well. Yeah. Yeah.
Spencer Haws: So there is a route for people out there, you know, again, just thinking maybe they feel like they don't want to be on video or they're not the great, you know, speaker you can't, you can outsource it using a lot of these tools.
So for you personally, how long does it take you in, in like hours to like, from start to finish, to find an idea, record a video, edit it and publish it, like one single video. And I know that can vary because some videos, right. You're ordering on Vista print and waiting a week to get your box and you know, and others it's quicker, but just to give people an
Eric: idea.
Yeah. So that's a really great question. I left one thing off when I was explaining that calculator. Cause it's, I didn't want to like get too far into the weeds, but like the the center of those three circles of the Venn diagram, I call rot return on time. So part of what I do for my calculator is I try to come up with an estimate of how long that video is going to take.
And when I put all the data into the tool, At the very bottom, I'll say, I think I will get a return on time per hour of acts. And, you know, if I find it's going to be like 50 bucks, I don't do it. If I'm going to get $200, I may consider it kind of thing. But I also look at however green, I think that deal is, and that's really easy to figure out because you just look at other people's videos that are getting tons of you still.
And if it's five years old, I might be able to create something by five. That lasts for five years. Just a quick aside to like, if people are looking for that calculator, you just go to YouTube search, passive cabbage, YouTube affiliate calculator. You'll see, you know, some bald guy probably making a stupid face pointing at something that's me, but that'll walk, you I'll walk it through in more detail on that video.
But to go back to your question, like you mentioned that did this review of a, of an oven and it was called the Bravo. Cool thing is it's a $1,600 smart oven that cooks with light. Like I know right away, people want to see what this thing does because it's different. Right? Nobody wants to watch a review of this big pen.
They know what a big pen does that video took me 40 hours to make. I will, will never do it again. Yeah. And I, yeah, yeah, it is reducing income and I don't regret it, but it was just like, I got to use this thing. I got to cook with it. I got to document that. And there's like 20 different functions on this thing.
It's an air fryer. It does custom cooks, you know it does so many different things. It has a really cool reheat function. But what I have found that worked really well for me, and maybe this will resonate with your audience is I love doing like software things that is just like, I can pretty much open a bunch of tabs in my browser and I'll organize those tabs almost like their bullet points.
So they kind of give me like left to right. You know, the order that I'm going to go through. And then I just do a screen capture video. And a lot of times, if it's a tool that you've already been using for years, you're going to be able to talk so confidently and go through that anyways. And then I just work left to right on my tabs.
And it's nice because I can kind of look up really quick and be like, oh yeah, that's the next thing that I want to talk about and be able to segue into that. And once you get better at doing those screencast videos those I find are a little less intimidating. Because most of the time too, like I'm just like this little thumbnail in the corner, you know, talking and people aren't even looking at me there, but kind of what I'm talking about in the video.
So those ones are really good. The best video I ever did took me three hours start to finish and it's still earning income. And I wouldn't be surprised at the video makes a hundred grand and it was in three hours, like start to finish. But it's just finding those little niches, those little videos, really like, oh, wow.
Like, I don't know. Talking a lot here, but when I was a little kid, I loved going down into ravines and flipping over rocks and trying to find crayfish. And I didn't realize it at the time, but I think the reason I actually liked it is I started to figure out where the crayfish were and I'd start figuring out like, Nope, they're not under these big, heavy round rocks.
It's these flat ones. And they need to be like a little bit of room for them. And I was just pattern recognition. I was just doing this over in Oregon. I'd like to see if I could find them. And I think the more you do anything that we do, you start to have that pattern recognition where you start seeing these patterns and you're like, oh, okay.
Like I see that video. I see what they did. I think I can do that pretty quick. And I think it can make a good buck at it. So it all varies though. You get better at it. Like anything else with time? Yeah.
Spencer Haws: Now those are some great tips. And again, to remind people if people want to check out your affiliate calculator they can go to your passive cabbage channel.
And what was it called? Affiliate marketing calculator.
Eric: Yeah, YouTube affiliate calculator, and little tip here too. I would prefer if you don't even link to it in the show notes. And the reason for that is let's say you do get a good amount of your audience to goes to YouTube and searches for that phrase.
What happens is, is YouTube loves it. When traffic comes from outside of YouTube, come see YouTube and specifically for your channel, because the reason, you know, selfishly, I want to be on your podcast. There's always a selfish angle. I know that your audience lines up well with my interests and what I do.
Google already knows millions of data points on your audience. So let's say like 500 people end up doing this and coming to YouTube and searching for that. They're like, wow, these 500 people are very similar. We know that about them. And they all came here for this. And then hopefully the information I provide is valuable for people and they start consuming it.
They're going to be like, let's find more people like this audience that just actively searched this channel out past the cabbage. So it's actually, that's something I learned about three weeks ago from a guru, a guy Darryl eaves on YouTube. And this is my first time testing it out. So
Spencer Haws: we'll we'll do a live test and see how it goes.
Yeah. So you've got a big clock over your shoulder. It's some sort of countdown timer. I know what it is, but why don't you tell listeners, what is that? And
Eric: it actually kind of terrifies me a little bit because it reminds me I need to get my button gear, but I'll see if it works. If I turn it on. Oh, there we go.
I have 927 days, 11 hours, seven minutes and 39 seconds. So that's the press thing, but basically dental, I want to help 1000 people earn $1,000 a month in 1000 days. So I've been at it for about 70 days. I frankly need to get more content out on the channel, but I know how these things were just like your audience.
Does the hockey stick effect, like all of a sudden you going, gonna be a year down the road. And all of a sudden, you know, you've got views and traffic coming in like crazy. And the reason I picked those numbers is easy to remember, right? Thousands of dollars a day, thousands, you know days not, that was a dollar a day.
That'd be amazing. But that specific one I picked because I'm like, if you can make a thousand dollars a month on YouTube, like that's enough to like have enough skin in the game. You're like, I want to explore this more. And really who I'm interested in are people that were in my shoes that were feeling that tension because they have that entrepreneurial drive, but they're still working on a day job.
And that feeling, I want to help those people like cut ties with the nine to five, you know, and I, the best way that I can teach them how to do it is via YouTube and affiliate marketing.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. I think that's an awesome goal, man, to be able to help a thousand people, you know, make some money through the similar strategies that you're doing, how are you tracking that?
Are you what, what's the, you know what, what's sort of the way that you're going to know that you've achieved that.
Eric: Yeah. So there's a couple different ways. Like a lot of the the people that I'm gonna be speaking to, I think are mostly going to be kind of beginners. So they may not be on all these affiliate marketplaces.
I am asking them when they download like that affiliate calculator, there is a separate tab that shows them all the affiliate marketplaces, and I have an affiliate relationship with them. So let's say you go on like, you know, or share a sale or whatever. I will see that I actually made 30 bucks because somebody else made their first sale.
So I'll see the first sales. And then eventually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have a Patrion, but I'm going to price it in a way. That's just like, Hey, like give me a dollar just to tell me that you're following along and you're into this and you appreciate the content. Give me two, if you're making a thousand dollars a month or you made a thousand, so those are a couple of ways I want to do it.
And then the third way is I literally am going to ask my audience. I want you to mail me to my PO box a tie. I'm going to. And I'm going to staple it to the wall behind me. And I know it's not going to be an exact science Metta. Everyone does the upper ever even gives people the thanks or, you know, a call out for things like that.
But I think if they can see their tie behind me, whether you're male, female, doesn't matter. I just hate ties. I absolutely hate them. The idea it's like, it's there. They make no sense. Like I did research on him. I hate him that much. And I think it was a boy king, Henry George, the age. Of England started wearing a handkerchief around his neck because there were some mercenaries he saw wearing.
I mean, he thought they were cool and he actually dictated the Ashan to people. I think it was in France at that time where it took off. And then it just slowly evolved into this tie that you literally just sent around your neck to show people that you respect them. And I'm like, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
That's where the idea of social note came from from other channels. I was like social norms, not for me kind of thing. I need to rebrand it, but I'm really good at going on tangents, by the way, when you're asking me questions, Hey, I'm,
Spencer Haws: I'm all against ties as well. You know, I'm, I'm, t-shirt kind of guy for sure.
So I don't miss the corporate worlds and wearing ties at all.
Eric: One of the things I mentioned earlier is like, Hey, you don't need to be niched down on YouTube and be like, search is only a portion of the traffic. And I started looking at LinkedIn CRISPR, and I completely get it. Like if you guys, if you've got a good site, And it's going to be so much work to go through it and figure out the proper opportunities and all that stuff.
Like how are you going to expedite it so that you can get more traffic? So I started searching things, starting with like link whisperer. And I started looking around and I ended up going on your site, plugging it into H refs, just to get an idea of what pages might have higher traffic, probably a newer site, but one of them was like URL changer.
Can you explain to me what that does? Exactly.
Spencer Haws: Yeah. So link whisper has one of its features is URL change. You're basically it'll go through your site. If you either change your URL structure or maybe you've deleted an old page and you create a new page and you basically want to change, you know, you've mentioned a hundred times throughout the years, this one particular URL, you can just change it, right?
You can put in whatever new URL you want, whether that's internal or external and linguist will go through your a hundred, a hundred mentions of that link. Change it to that new URL for you.
Eric: Okay. And am I wrong in thinking that this is different from like a 3 0 1 redirect that this is you're actually manually going into this site and changing it, right?
Spencer Haws: Correct. So on your site, it will actually be a new URL right. At a 3 0 1, right. Doesn't doesn't actually change the physical hyperlink on your site. It just redirects it. Right. So Google recognizes, Hey, this URL, it goes to this one, this physically well electronically. Right. It actually changes the URL. Yeah.
Eric: So, so that's pretty nice because you're creating a better experience. There's not that little bit of lag that was created. And I honestly, I don't know why, like if I plug into H Ross, it gives you those, like how many hops is that? What they call it. Right? Like if you have like several redirects appetites, Yeah.
So I started looking up, like, when I found that via HRS doing research on your site, I was like, okay, like that could be an angle for this. And then the next thing I started doing was going to YouTube and just searching things like 3 0 1 redirects, you know, blah, blah, blah, stuff like that. You won't be able to see it, but I do.
I ended up finding what I like, how to create redirects and WordPress. So that might be something that's difficult for your site today to rank for, you know, I don't know. Maybe you could. But I ended up finding one that was a beginner's guide to creating redirects in WordPress. It's from WordPress beginner, which, you know, probably all of us had been on at some point.
And when I started watching the video, I was like, huh, like it was weird. Cause there wasn't even a face on the video for like the first two minutes. There's literally just a static image of it. And I decided, you know, why don't I check out their actual webpage? Cause they probably have one. And if you look at their website, They have this video embedded on a page on that site.
So they probably are getting views. They have 103,002 years, but they are getting views on this, on their website, but also on YouTube. Yeah. So if I was thinking in your case, like I'd want to procreate in content such as, like, you can go for really, really hard to rank for keywords on a website, but you can rank for them on YouTube.
So one of the ways you could, this was not quite as hard, but I could probably rank a video for like how to get more traffic to your website in minutes, you know, and someone like you that has this massive knowledge you asked earlier, like how long would it take you to make a video for you to make that video?
Not very long. Like you could come up with seven things pretty quick. Sure. And one of the things I would drop into that video would be link whisper. And here's how internal linking why it's important. And here's what this tool does. And you're able to. You can get these really high volume keywords. It'd be really hard to rank a blog post for, but you can actually make a video around that and put your tool front and center.
So those are like two different ideas that I would have for that. Like one of them just like how to create redirects and WordPress, I would probably start with the very basics of showing a manually how you would do it. I would show them plugins and then I would show them link whisper. You can do a different video.
That would be like top five, redirect plugins on WordPress. And you would slide. Video into that. If there's enough of them that actually have the search volume, because they're, they're sought after you can do this first app or is this for it's it's that type video where you put in your three competitors of that specific tool, right.
Redirects and you sliders in I call that the Trojan horse method because you're piggybacking off of their brand value and equity where people know all of them are searching reviews for them where they're, maybe they're not searching for the third or fourth. But then you could slide yours in and show why it's better.
You know,
Spencer Haws: I liked that, like a perfect example would be like, I could do like Yoast SEO versus rank math. Right. And lots of people probably searching for that, but I could mention certain things that Yoast doesn't do well, which is internal linking. I'd say, you know, Hey, Linquist whisper, doesn't do everything.
But it does internal linking well and Trojan horse it into that. I like that.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. And like, this was the stuff I looked to see if you have an affiliate program and you do, but I don't do a lot with websites anymore. So I was like, do I want to share this? Because I might be able to resolve for your service.
But yeah, if you, if you have the knowledge set already, it's, you're, you know, you've taken out all the research of it. You've got 15 years, probably however long you've been doing this research. You don't need to do any more research on these topics. That knowledge is in there. You're just trying to figure out like, what's the cluster of videos that you can.
That are going to help people. And I don't mind sharing this as well either because I I, I, this is on the passive cabbage channel. This kind of gives an idea of like what do you call it when you make like a parent post? And then you have like the, the ancillary post that linked to it. Like, do you go with like, like spoken wheel or whatever?
Or like what's the language, right? Yeah. Like hub
Spencer Haws: and spoke. Right. Topical clusters is kind of yeah. Phrase that I would use. Yeah.
Eric: Yeah. So you can do the same thing on YouTube, where you might have that parent like video that you really want a lot of eyeballs on, but then you have these feeder videos that go into them.
And instead of it being internal links that is making that happen, it's done with end screens. And it's also done in the YouTube description, putting links to those videos. So I, you know, to, to rank for something like how to sign up for DoorDash drivers is difficult to do, right? That's a very high volume, very lucrative key word.
But what I did is I did other videos. So I had door dash versus Uber eats versus grub hub versus Postmates. What's the best one to drive for that video. Four hours took me to make what I did is for people who aren't good at collecting their thoughts, which sometimes I fall into, I made a spreadsheet and I went to Google.
First. I searched that exact term. I found a blog post that the reason I think people liked it is they took information from glass door and then gave people like what glass door was saying that you would make for those different programs. And I started putting all the information. I thought that was valuable into a spreadsheet.
And all I did in the video is I slowly worked through the spreadsheet and explained things to people and said, Hey, I also have affiliate links in the description below. If you want to sign up for my link, still free for you, but I may make a small. So what happened was that was kind of like, you know, a what do you call it?
Like a spoke or whatever. And then the video that was really valuable for me to rank, and this is rank on YouTube and Google, like I think still today, it's the number one video on Google. First page results is how to sign up for the DoorDash driver program. But because I already had all this relevant traffic on that disperse, that video, and then the end screen and the description links to that video, I think it helped that video rank.
So I started signing people up at $50, a pop for the DoorDash driver program, like crazy. And that was the thing that happened that implanted in my head where I was like, holy crap, I'm gonna. $30,000 from a video that took me three, four hours to make this year. That's close to half of what I make in my day job.
What am I doing? So for, for yours, like we had all these video ideas, right? Like, you know, Yoast verse that you could slide it in. You could do link whisper review and you connect all those things through end screens and different things like that. And you try to take the person through a journey. And eventually you can get all these eyeballs onto to that people who have heard of you.
And more importantly, haven't heard review and getting them to consume your content. And then it just becomes this like soft sales process. Like I never do a video if I don't believe in the service, like that's a waste of integrity and time, but you can kind of stitch all these things together, kind of like that hub and spoke strategy, but just on YouTube and be able to rank through some really difficult content such as like how to get more traffic to your website.
You know, that's something it'd be amazing if you had a hundred thousand people seeing that video. And in the middle of that video, you're talking about link whisper,
Spencer Haws: right? Yeah. This is all really timely advice because I am going through and thinking of a blogging strategy because I don't have a lot of blog content right now on link
So I'm thinking of topics that I can start beefing up on the blog, but I should be doing this on YouTube. And I have been thinking that you know, th there's a lot of opportunity there to kind of spread the word of link whisper. And so this is super timely. I appreciate it.
Eric: Yeah, I would say just like a last tip.
If this is something somebody is thinking about doing and marrying this into their blog, I haven't seen a better example of it than a drafts. Their blog is phenomenal. There's no doubt about that. The content, the way everything is structured. I think it's Tim blank on his last name, the CMO there, but he does a wonderful job.
And this is a good example, too, of how it's not him making the videos. I think English as a second language, he had, Sammo make the YouTube videos. He probably found a YouTuber that already knew this space well, but needed more opportunity. So he does an amazing job. He gets all sorts of traffic that people maybe not, never even heard of HRS, but he's sliding the HRS tool into.
And then they do a great job too, of embedding those videos on the blog posts. So that's really where you can see like a great synergy is what they're doing over there. So I think if there's somebody who might already be using that tool, just take a look at how they're doing it, and you can start to get ideas of like, oh, like these two things are feeding each other and really creating like massive growth for that business.
Spencer Haws: absolutely. So if people want a good example yeah. Check out the AA traps blog and the YouTube channel of how they're kind of marrying those things. Then of course, people can certainly check out your passive cabbage channel to see what you're doing over there to get some additional tips from you as well.
And I think you mentioned sort of in passing here, but I do want to highlight that, that, you know, you've been able to build a really successful business. You've been doing this full-time now for about a year and sounds like you're making about $40,000 a month from affiliate marketing on YouTube.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. And I, I should take a lesson from you and people who actually know how to build out teams. I'm terrible. I'm a control freak. I've gone through three different editors. I'm doing everything myself, but it is nice because my final revenue valor, you know, it's like 99% margin pretty much, but I know that I'm only scratching the surface on this.
I have figured out the search side of YouTube really well, which is like 20 to 25% of the traffic. 75% of the traffic is in suggested. So it's like, how does your content start showing up randomly? Like when you get out of the homepage, you're showing up in that little bar on desktop, on the side, like you can really explode things.
That's what I find exciting in this space is I think I'm just scratching the surface of it.
Spencer Haws: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So maybe final question here. If people want to create a YouTube channel and they're hoping to get to that thousand dollars a month, they've never created any videos. Like what's like a timeline.
How long do you think it's going to take them? If they do everything just right, right. If they follow all your tips, like how long can it take somebody to make about that bucks a month,
Eric: a fresh channel? I haven't read anything on this. I know I go website and get sandbox. Like how long does that usually take before you kind of get out of the sandbox?
You can be like six months
Spencer Haws: or longer.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. I I've had channels that were dormant. Like I only made a couple of videos and one of them I'm thinking of is I started making a conscientious effort on it and I was making $0 of income on that channel. And I was able to ramp it up over 10,000 a month in probably like four months, so pretty fast, but it's all, you know, there's so many different things going into it, right?
Like you could be the most amazing YouTuber of all time. And if you have crappy thumbnails, Five views a year, right? So just the thumbnail alone, it's something you got to optimize because that's, what's going to sell the click. So that's like, what I've learned is like, you gotta look at the whole funnel and see your week, look at your data, figure things out.
But yeah, if you guys already have like a niche website, like you way ahead of the game, because you're going to be able to feed YouTube traffic and YouTube is going to love you because you're feeding them traffic and they're going to reward you. So you might be able to speed up that process substantially.
Yeah. So yeah, like I would say, they'll give it, give it three to six months. Any video I make have three to six months out. That's where I started to see the traction. And just like, I love that we can talk about this, cause I know your audience can visualize this in analytics, right? You create a post and it starts doing that slope crawl up a it's the same thing on YouTube.
I've also gone into videos or complete duds change. The thumbnail out, went from going like 10 views a month to, you know, I think I got like 120,000 views in a year just by changing a thumbnail out. So there's so many things that you can do to kind of refresh your content from a thumbnails perspective.
Spencer Haws: Very good. So is there any other place that you'd like to send people other than your passive cabbage, a YouTube channel? Anything else you'd like to mention or yes.
Eric: No, I would say, yeah, go, go to YouTube search password. Okay. Average affiliated calculator. I think that that'll take you from women.
Basketball is full court to half-court shots immediately. It'll get you 50% the way there and like, you know, 10 minutes and you know, I don't even have a course right now. I don't have an idea. I just like educating and I may have those things in the future, but I see what you've done. And obviously it's taken years, you know, I don't know if you've been at it decades, but like your, your capability of making link whisper is because people know like, and trust you and they know you're going to put out a good product and you cultivated that audience.
So that's kind of like, what I'm trying to do at this stage is I want to just give as much value as I can on that. Cultivate an audience and the monetary part of it will take care of itself down the line and you gotta figure that out later. So, yeah.
Spencer Haws: Awesome. Very good, Eric. Thanks for coming on the niche pursuits podcast, it's been an absolute pleasure having you here and loved hearing your tips.
And even though some of the tips were for me personally, almost in a way, it felt like I think it's things that people can apply in their business and hopefully see some results with as well. So thanks again.
Eric: Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on Spencer. I really appreciated it.
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